Chapter Twenty-Three: White Crown Soldier Assembly

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Early next morning, the White Crown College assembly hall was in pandemonium. Thousands of shocked voices filled the hall, all in disbelief, anger, and fear from hearing that one of their own had gone missing without a trace. Not only one of them, but one of their most beloved captains.

"Quiet," Admiral Wolfe spoke, his voice echoing through the hall. Caelestis and the rest of the captains sat in the front row in the captain's section. She could feel all the fearful energy at her back. She felt like a statue, cursed to sit straight and strong, while on the inside feeling like she could fall into pieces.

The voices faded into silence, focussing their attention onto the PL's on stage. Half of the Project Leaders, save Commissioner Walker and a few others already out searching for Cornelius from the previous night, sat along a table on the stage opposite to the long table in the front row of the captain's seating area.

"I trust that I do not need to impress upon you all the gravity of this situation," Admiral Wolfe continued. "Cornelius Walker's disappearance occurred on the anniversary at the end of one of the worst days in Irelyn history, on the heels of one of the most audacious attacks from the Black Phoenix. Whether or not it is a coincidence, it is of the utmost importance that we do not lose faith in the hope that we will find him soon. Your Head Captain has worked diligently through the night to create a duty roster and patrol schedule for each White Crown Soldier."

Caelestis had not slept that night. Madoc and Adam had managed to sneak an hour or so, alternating, but even when they insisted she try to rest, she could not calm herself enough to do so. Cornelius was missing. A massive weight made of guilt and horror had set upon her bones. What had happened? His location device wasn't working, there was no video footage. Was everything that happened last night connected? It couldn't be.

Admiral Wolfe went on. "Each one of you will be deployed immediately after this meeting. If you have any concerns or issues regarding placement, please refer to your squad leader or commander." He looked down the table at Dr. Hawthorne.

She gave a curt nod. "A few things to take note of before joining the search party," she said as the lights in the hall dimmed and the HoloScreens appeared around them. "In Captain Walker's absence, Officer Simharayana will take on acting captain duties."

Caelestis glanced down the captain's row. Her sister, Jaisla, sat in Cornelius's seat, hands on the table before her, bright eyed and at attention. She had a somber expression on her face, but Caelestis knew she was proud of being able to stand in as a captain.

Dr. Hawthorne continued. "Timeline wise, Captain Walker went missing directly after a short altercation with the Black Phoenix. Footage at the time the two engage in a very short conversation, the Black Phoenix took his... juice box... and then flew into the air to the rooftop. The s.Crow filming this footage soon went dark, as did any other footage that could have indicated where he could have gone. The Black Phoenix continued on in stealing Ryu's Ruby. Acting Captain Simharayana engaged, but was forced to stop when the Black Phoenix hijacked every s.Crow in the immediate area and surrounded her to escape. We suspect this was within this time frame that Cornelius went missing. Please, as you attend to your duties, be mindful of White Crown College protocol. Be vigilant. Be safe. That will be all."

A few seats down, Eiji buried his face into his hands. Raheem patted his back. "It's all right, buddy, it's gonna be okay. We'll find him."

"Come on, E, get it together, or else Wolfe is gonna send you to the psych wing," Reiko said in a furious whisper. "Do you want the next time your boyfriend sees you to be in the psychiatric wing or do you want it to be of you busting a door down and taking out the clowns who took him?"

"Reiko," Caelestis hissed.

Reiko immediately erased any expression on her face. "I mean, it's all right buddy, it's gonna be okay," she said monotonously.

The PL's had begun standing. The assembly was coming to a close. "Any questions can be directed to your specific commanding officers," Hawthorne said. "Dismissed."

There was a determined energy electric in the air as the White Crown Soldiers exited the hall, checking their orders on their d.Eyes and d.Scrolls. Caelestis watched them, proud of their dedication and conviction. How couldn't they find any leads on Cornelius when thousands of trained soldiers would be looking for him?

She and the other captains headed for the elevator. Right before she entered, she realized Jaisla was at her heels.

Caelestis turned at the entry. "What are you doing?"

Jaisla looked confused. "Isn't there a captains meeting?"

"Yes," Caelestis said.

"Well," Jaisla said, waving at herself. "I am Acting Captain of the Cardinal Division—"

"I'm sorry, but Acting Captains don't have the same duties as Captains," Caelestis said swiftly. "Your orders are the same. Did you check your roster? I remember assigning you specific—"

"Ranaki's flame, are you serious?" Jaisla hissed. "You have me grounded at the palace!"

"Grounded? I need you to oversee the area—"

"Ugh!" Jaisla's eyes narrowed. "What area in the palace am I supposed to check?! Did you kidnap Cornelius and stick him in the gardens?"

Caelestis took a deep breath. She looked over at the elevator. All the captains were watching, or pretending not to and listening. Madoc had one hand on the doors, waiting for Caelestis. When she turned to them, they all looked away. Reiko started whistling a lazy tune.

Caelestis approached Jaisla. "Did you happen to think that maybe, just maybe, you were the one they were planning to take?"

Jaisla did not respond, but her eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"I don't have time to explain it to you," Caelestis said swiftly. Behind them, across the hall at the opposite entrance, she saw a squad of Knights-Imperial enter. She knew there would be a team for Jaisla, and another one for Caelestis when it was time for her to leave. They would not be left alone for a second. "But maybe you should go home and think about it. As your Head Captain, and as the Crown Princess, I order you—"

"You'll have to come home too," Jaisla said. "And you should. There's something you should see. Something important. Something... red."

Caelestis furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?" she asked, repeating Jaisla's earlier question.

Jaisla smirked, suddenly relaxed. "I don't have time to explain it to you." She grinned, turned around, and pranced towards the knights-imperial, leaving Caelestis gaping stupidly, staring after her.

Caelestis stalked towards the elevator, thinking very hard. "Everything okay?" Madoc asked as she walked past him. He rubbed her arm as the doors closed, waiting for her response.

The elevator rose. Feeling incredulous, she looked up at Madoc's concerned gray eyes. Her heart was pounding painfully, her chest felt tight, it felt as though she were about to explode.

"I think Jaisla has the heart of the dragon." 

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