Chapter Eighteen: The Admiral's Nephew

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Adam was not a dreamer, but this time he dreamed of him: 

The Inflictor of Suffering, the Weaver of False Truths, the Golden Son of Admiral Wolfe.

Edgar sat across the dining room table. On his plate were fingers and eyeballs, drowned in thick blood. His voice was gentle. "I need your tongue, Adam."

Adam wept and shook his head. He couldn't stop shivering. "No, please, no," he stuttered.

"Indulge him, Adam," Uncle Thomas said, eyes fixed firmly on a news d.Scroll. "You two need to start spending more time together. You should be like brothers."

"No, no, no..."

Edgar wore a mask of concern. He leaned across the table towards Adam's right. "Iris, why aren't you eating?"

Adam turned and saw Iris had no fingers, only bloody stumps. Her eyes were blindfolded and she made no sounds.

Adam screamed.

He woke, still screaming.

And then it was silent. He was home. 


Adam got up quickly and turned on his lights. He paused for a moment and then opened his door to look across the dark hall. Was Madoc back? 

Adam ran to the other door. Madoc's room was empty.

He turned on the rest of the lights. Their apartment was quiet. Still empty. No Edgar. No Madoc.

Adam sat down on the sofa. He peered through window. The sea was black though the sky glowed a dark grey-white. He could see the moon if he looked hard enough. He checked his d.Eye. No message from Madoc.

Why did he dream about his cousin? Why tonight, of all nights? Hadn't his mind tormented him enough with the guilt of betraying his best friend? Why was it reminding him of his greatest tormentor? His cousin had been locked away years ago.

A gentle tap at the window drew Adam's attention. He looked over at the living room window. At the corner he could see the outline of a s.Crow just tap-tap-tapping at the window every few seconds. It wasn't stuck, it was just... there.

It was another message from the Black Crown.

Adam quickly opened the window. The s.Crow did not enter, but only emitted a small HoloScreen. A dog ran through a small park with large markers. That was all.

Adam stared at the looping video. A dog running through a small park with large markers... Adam counted seven markers. Seven Reflections Memorial Park.

It was late into the night, but Adam doubted he'd be able to go back to sleep. Besides, maybe it meant Madoc would be there. His heart truly ached at the thought of his best friend being afraid or alone or in trouble. He trusted the Black Phoenix, but to what extent? Certainly not to the point of handing over his best friend. He was ashamed to know this after the deed was done.

Adam had no time to waste. He would go to the park immediately. He prayed Madoc would be there waiting for him. What would he do otherwise? 

He had no idea.

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