Chapter Four: Madoc

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The streetlights on Green Rose Boulevard dimmed as the morning sun peeked through the cloudy white sky. Steam rose from the forgotten mug on the balcony ledge. Emerald Estates was blanketed in snow on Reflection Day, but Madoc was distracted with something else entirely.

A s.Crow bobbed about, just outside the house gate.

For the past few weeks, Madoc had noticed the s.Crow hanging about his parents home. For a while, he wasn't sure if it was the same one, but the past few days as he spent more time at hom, he was beginning to suspect it was so. The s.Crow would float down the street to the end of the block, hover for a half an hour or so, and then make its way back to the Dhillon's. At first, Madoc suspected there was a glitch in its system, but every time he tried to get close to it so he could check, it would leave again. He had planned on calling the city to check in on it, but... maybe he could check himself. 

The s.Crow continued to linger by the front gates. Madoc retreated back into his bedroom and quietly closed the balcony doors. He picked up his d.Eye from its charger on his night table. The small glass communications globe hung from a thin silver chain. Madoc put it over his head as it connected to the house's d.Eye network. The HoloScreen over his desk glowed on as Madoc scrolled his thumb over the d.Eye. "Call Iris Wolfe."

The HoloScreen pulsed with a soft gold light. A white crown within a gold circle, the emblem of the White Crown Captains, faded and reappeared as the call continued to reach Iris.

She answered almost immediately, face was already immaculately made-up and her hair in shining pale gold waves. "Good morning, friend. What's the trouble?"

"That s.Crow is back."

Iris's eyebrows went up. "I see."

"Wanna try connecting—"

"Hack the hacker? You bet, Captain."

Madoc gave a quick nod and grinned. "Go team. See you in a bit."

"Aye, aye."

Iris blew a kiss and the HoloScreen disconnected.

Madoc made his way into the garage. The work lights glowed and illuminated Madoc's benches and projects. A large tarp covered a half-finished bike and Caelestis's car Madoc was modifying, partly as a favour to her, partly as an experimental play-field for him.

Madoc dug under the main work bench. He dragged a box out and heaved it on top of the table. He pushed away a few old pairs of LeagueBoot prototypes until he found it. 

At the bottom of the box lay a long crescent shaped baton. The electric bow was metal and glass, and though it was a little scratched, it still shone as if it were new.

He placed the e.Bow on the table and glanced at the garage door. He could slip through without tipping off the s.Crow, though if it had moved any closer, the plan would be moot. Madoc would just have to be ready.

Madoc took out two metal clips from his wall. He snapped them open and drew them together. An electric charge pulsed between the two middle spokes. Madoc drew the clips apart and the charge crackled, light spreading in a thin sparking line, contained but dangerous.

He snapped the clips shut. He placed one at the end of the e.Bow and the other he clipped to his right glove. He placed his right hand to the clip on the middle of the e.Bow and drew his arm back. An electric arrow, light blue and searing white, shimmered and crackled at the ready.

Madoc grinned.

He walked swiftly towards the front of the house, e.Bow gripped in his hands. As he reached the front porch he carefully scanning the front yard. The s.Crow was still at the gate.

Madoc cracked open the clip on his finger. He connected it to the clip on the e.Bow and then drew back, activating the lightning arrow. Madoc's heart started pumping a bit faster. This was fun. This was exciting.

The s.Crow slowly rotated, it's eye scanning the Dhillon's front yard. Madoc moved towards it, the grin returning on his face. He aimed the e.Arrow at the hovering s.Crow and released.

The electric arrow flew towards the gate and struck the s.Crow in its glass eye. 

Madoc gave a triumphant yip, in spite of himself.

The s.Crow flew back several feet and the sound of its gears adjusting creaked through the air. Madoc watched it whine and slow down until it stopped moving altogether. It's eye dulled. The s.Crow was silent.

While the street was clear, the sidewalks were covered with freshly fallen snow. The s.Crow was on the other side, nestled in the cold white. Madoc ran across the street and picked up the s.Crow. It was heavier than he expected.

Madoc glanced to his left to see if there were any other vehicles approaching, and nearly dropped the s.Crow in surprise at what he saw.

A figure ran full speed down Green Rose Boulevard. As they neared, they began to yell and wave their arms. Madoc could make out platinum blonde hair and a lanky frame under the layers of thick sweaters and jackets: Adam Wolfe, fellow captain, and Madoc's best friend.

"Bike!" Adam screamed. "I need—your—bike!"

Madoc moved back towards his house, watching Iris's twin charge towards him. Adam didn't even stop when he reached the house. He zipped by Madoc, screeching, "Your bike!" and hurtled towards the garage door. When he saw the side door was open, he ran down the side of the house and into the garage.

Madoc heaved the s.Crow under his arm. "What now," he wondered aloud, running after Adam into the garage. He was used to seeing Adam in a plethora of emotional states, but usually Adam made sure Madoc knew exactly what was going on.

Adam gestured wildly at him, out of breath. "Madoc! Where's your key? It's not on your bench. It's not near the door. It's—oh, I see it, I got it." Adam swiped Madoc's bike's manual key.

"Why are you taking my bike?"

Adam took Madoc's helmet, too. He snapped it on his head. "Because the lab is closed and I can't sign mine out because it's Reflection Day and taking a car into the city is stupid."

"How'd you know I have mine?"

Adam hopped onto the white motorbike. "You always forget to bring your bike in on the weekends and holidays. Do you have any idea how many transportation depot demerits you've been wracking up? I can't even make more than one or two disappear at a time, you've got so many the admin officer would notice." Adam finally noticed the s.Crow under Madoc's arm. "What is this? What did you do? Did you take down a s.Crow?" 

"It's been acting a little weird—"

Adam shook his head. "Whatever, tell me later, I don't have time." He turned the ignition and the bike hummed. Warm light glowed from the lining and Madoc took a step back to admire his bike. He had put a few modifications on it the past few years. He had to be subtle so the car attendants at the lab wouldn't notice too much, but so far he hadn't gotten into trouble.

Adam kicked up the stand and rolled down the driveway.

"The Solemn March starts soon," Madoc yelled after him.

"I know, I know. As if I could forget." 

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