Chapter 5

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"Katniss!" Johanna and Finnick are knocking on my door.

With my breath ragged I pace around my room. I can see it in my head, posted from Haymitch with a little sticky note attached to the release forms of my mother saying Call me when you're ready. -H. No, no, no. Why would they want to release my mother?

Prim! This'll wreck Prim.

"Fuck!" I mutter thinking this couldn't have come at a worse time. I would have to go back now, help sort it out. I couldn't expect my baby sister too, nor Haymitch who was not even blood related. I'd have to tell Annie too. Get her to cover my work when I'm there-

"Katniss!" Johanna's raises her voice again interrupting my thoughts.

I wrench the door open, frustrated, wishing for some time alone to plan this. Jo and Finn stand outside my door holding the letter from Haymitch that I hastily threw down in a fit of rage. Their eyes are questioning.

"What?" I snap.

They glance at each other. "Are you okay?"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "I'm not surprised really. I don't understand why they're releasing my mother but I'm not surprised."

They continue staring obviously realizing I haven't answered their question. "I'm going to have to go back." I admit, once again avoiding it.

"Classes start tomorrow." Finnick says.

"I'll catch up."

"Katniss you can't just up and leave, what about the case?"I stare at him with open dislike.

"What about the case Finnick?"

Finnick loses his patience with me, throwing his hands in the air and striding over to his bedroom. The door slams just like Peeta's.

"Just think this through first okay?" Johanna tells me trying to make me see reason.

"I have Jo. And the outcome is still the same. I will have to go back." I say simply. It was clear in my mind.

"You're not responsible for everything Kat."

"It's my family. I can't expect Prim to sort it out. Or Gale, or Haymitch. Johanna's theirs no one left!" My voice is shrill. She can see this is the wrong time to argue with me and because of that she resigns.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow." She eyes me carefully before pulling me into a hug and leaving me to my own thoughts.

The night proceeds with tension. Finnick is obviously mad at me, Johanna wary, and Peeta doesn't even leave his room. What a start to our 'fun' filled year! We are already at each other's throats...

I watch the clock move way past midnight and I find myself still alert. My mind won't stop buzzing with problems; State 12, my mother, the court case, my criminal activity, Annie, Thresh, the mail, Peeta, ... I sit perched on the island counter, in the dark, sipping a mug of tea. I watch the trees move in the breeze swathed in moonlight, listen to the distant ocean crashing and think over my predicament.

As I begin to make plans, weaving ideas for the case and my own personal problems together, my ears prick as I detect a soft thud in the hall.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I wonder aloud, knowing Peeta is in the kitchen without needing to turn around. So he's finally come out to play, I think.

"I could ask you the same question." He replies easily. "Where's the tea?"

I silently point to a cupboard and I watch him prepare himself a mug. How strange he is. He suffers so much yet shows little effort. Unlike me. He moves smoothly through the kitchen, ignoring me for the most part. He only turns to face me as he finishes preparing the tea, without sugar I note, and brings it to his lips.

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