Chapter 7

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If I had known how Peeta would really turn out, I would have acted differently in the beginning. No yelling, no snide remarks. But I guess I was being given another chance because still unbelievably he liked me. I knew we would have to discuss the court case again and delve deeper into the issues at hand. But it wasn't as scary a thought as it used to be.

These thoughts are running through my brain as I stumble down the stairs the next morning. I don't even care I'm walking around the house half asleep, wearing tiny pajama shorts and a singlet with no bra and my hair still knotted. No, after a few weeks living here it was clear none of us were conservative. How many times had I walked into the bathroom or kitchen and found a sleepy and shirtless Finn or Peeta?

I literally fall over the doorframe and into the kitchen. I hear one of the boys laugh and the other one is speaking.

"Here she is." I get handed the telephone and I squint and see Finnick. "Answer it." He whispers.

I sigh and put it to my ear. I knew it was Haymitch. Why the fuck was he calling me in the morning again? I look up at the clock and find that it reads 11:30. Oh, seriously?

"Hold on." I order into the telephone. "Why aren't you two in class?" I ask Finnick and Peeta angrily.

They give each other a mock scared look which I return with a glare. "Day off today Kat."

I turn my back to their laughing. "What do you want?" I ask Haymitch.

"I asked you to call me." He reminds me sternly. I think of the sticky note attached to the letters he mailed me.

"When I was ready."

"Well, are you?" He demands.

I sigh, raking a hand through my hair. "Whatever. What's happening over there?"

I pace the kitchen and see Finn reading the newspaper and Peeta cooking breakfast as I listen to Haymitch. "Your mother is doing okay."

"Where's she living?"

"My house, Prim moved back in." Never in my life would I understand his compassion for my mother. After all she was only his sister in law. And it didn't really count when she was widowed. He could have discarded her. He should have.

"And you really think the best care for her is a drunken uncle and Primrose?" I question spitefully.

Instead of taking offence he merely laughs. "I have a caretaker here."

"Course you do." Peeta begins to dish up breakfast and I see scrambled eggs. Yum, I mumble to myself absentmindedly. He sees me staring and offers me one plate.

Thanks, I mouth.

"I'm coming back Haymitch." The minute I say it Finn stiffens and looks at me. No! He mouths making frantic gestures.

"Finn be quiet!" I whisper-yell.

"Oh is that your plan?" He asks sarcastically. "And how are you going to do your classes? Or your work at the firm?" I felt like I was five again, being lectured.


"I'll make you a deal." He cuts me off. "Because I know Gale has talked about this too. If in six weeks you still think the same I'll buy you a ticket in your week break. Then you can come. You can do whatever you think you are entitled to do and you can see your mother. But for now it's in everybody's best interest that you stay where you are."

I groan loudly at my barstool where I'm stuffing eggs into my mouth. Why was everyone against me? I hang up the phone without saying goodbye well aware of the immaturity of the action but also knowing Haymitch knows he got his way.

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