Chapter 12

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Being in Lora Mellark's presence for only a few minutes I discerned a one thing; she was definitely not Peeta. I couldn't even find a resemblance. She was cruel and mocking, even with the way she spoke normal words that weren't aimed to harm. Her eyes were as cold as her manner and I really couldn't fathom how Peeta had turned out like Peeta. She looked upon her son as if he was worthless and he wasn't one of the best people I've ever met or one of the most talented.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Peeta's voice was ice cold. My hand was being crushed by his but I didn't dare distract him.

"I just wanted to have a little chat with my son. Is that so bad?"

"What do you want?"

"Well if you're going to cut the pleasantries...I wanted to talk about this case you're building against me. Your own mother."

"I'm not building it." He mutters. I squeeze his hand trying to remove some of the tension in his body.

"You're helping your good for nothing father."

"Don't you dare talk about him like that!"

"Oh?" She raises her eyebrows. "I'm speaking the truth. You disappoint me Peeta. You were never worth anything and this has proven it."

I take at glance at Peeta's face. From years of practice he knows how to mask his emotions but I still caught the raw pain flash across his face. I wanted to kill her.

"If you came here to insult me then we're done. Come on Kat." He mutters to me, tugging me towards the car.

"So the girl is more important than your own mother?"

He barely looks at her. "Anyone's more important than you."

A disturbing humor dances in her eyes. "Look at that. I raise you and nothing. No respect."

He whirls around then, his calmness gone. "Raise me? You didn't raise me! You abused me and everyone else. You left dad to sort out all your shit. Don't you even try to guilt trip me! Leave us alone!"

Her amusement grows. "Well I would if you weren't filing a case against me. This nonsense has to stop."

"I'm not doing anything!" He yells. The conversation is turning bad fast and I'm afraid of what will happen with Peeta so strung out.

"Tell your father to drop it."

"Go to hell."

She nods as if contemplating the remark. "Peeta I'll warn you once. Drop this or there will be consequences."

"Is that a threat?" He asks disbelievingly.

"You can't threaten him." I bite back, unthinking.

Her cold eyes fall on me. "Not that it's any of your business. Why don't you run along home, girl? Go find another less complicated boy to sleep with."

"Don't." Peeta says menacingly. "Don't talk to her."

His mother laughs the high pitched laugh again, sending chills down my spine. "Look at you. All hung up on a girl. Sorry to burst your bubble Peeta but I doubt she's in it because of your personality. Especially ones that look like her."

She eyes me like I'm the town whore. "I'm done." He states before she cuts him off.

"Oh you're done? I'm sorry but I'm not going to let this happen for some cheap-"


"girl that's you're trying to charm into your bedroom-"


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