Chapter 11

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My back slams against the wall. His hands are in my hair. My lips move with his happily. I can hear his breath and the homey smell of baked bread on him.

It had been a week. But after many weeks of sexual tension we were finally ridding it all. I couldn't say I cared. Jo and Finn were already gone for the morning and I didn't have to be into work for another two hours. Which left a lot of alone time with Peeta.

Honestly I was a little surprised at how quickly I was taken by Peeta. But there was something so...lovable about him that it made it hard to resist.

His lips begin to travel down my neck and I groan in pleasure. I can hear him chuckle against my skin. I feel him tense when my phone begins to ring.

"Leave it?" He mutters.

"I can't." I say dejectedly, disentangling myself and hurrying to the counter my phone sits on.

"Where are you?" Annie asks desperately on the other end.

I frown, confused. "Home?"

"Get your ass over here Katniss! We have a meeting!"

I stare at the clock trying to comprehend her words. "What? That wasn't-"

"Just get over here! I'm about to go in. I got your coffee too so you better drink it before its cold."

I slam the phone down still confused how I could have forgotten about the meeting.

I run up the stairs and hurtle into my room grabbing my work clothes, leaving a dumbfounded Peeta behind. I rip off my pajamas throwing them on the floor and wrench on the black skirt and white shirt.

"Katniss?" Peeta calls from downstairs.

I run down the stairs knotting out my hair with a hairbrush. "I have to go to work."

He's still in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. I search hurriedly for my keys until Peeta places something in my palm. A wrapped croissant.

I pause for a second. "Did you make this?"

He nods. "Before you got up." And then he fishes my keys from the counter and places them into my other hand. I feel my hand tingle from his brief touch.

"You really are the best." I peck his cheek before I run out the door to his laughter.

I speed practically the whole way to work. When I burst into the meeting room it's already started.

"Nice of you to join us Katniss." Cinna says in a clipped sort of way. He still smiles slightly but I can't help shake the feeling that he's mad at me lately. And possibly regretting putting me on the case. After all, I was now 'rogue.'

I take my seat in a hurry, blushing with embarrassment. Annie sits two seats away from me and discretely hands me my coffee behind the back of the chair between us.

"...the evidence in regards to the ID's we retrieved-" Cinna continues, but I waste no time in cutting him off.

"What evidence?" I frown.

He sighs and throws a glance my way, obviously frustrated by the intrusion. "Through Mr. Mellark we have managed to obtain hard evidence of these fake identities that Peeta Mellark mentioned in your interview."

"Oh," is all I say. How did they get their hands on those? Cinna continues as if I hadn't interrupted. I glance around the room but everyone is looking towards Cinna. And then I notice someone who is not usually in our meetings. Beetee.

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