Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: SPARK

I stare at the list with a small amount of trepidation. It was written in Johanna's handwriting and had a series of ticks next to each line. We were finally ready. It wasn't that I didn't like parties, although in first year Johanna did have to drag me to most of them, it was more the fact that I dreaded waking up to drunks on the floor, red cups everywhere and alcohol stains on the carpet.

Johanna yells at me to get my ass upstairs and get ready. I tell you, for someone so aggressive, I still couldn't understand her insistence on my clothes and appearance. She'd already gotten me a dress, not something I would have picked out on my own but it was okay, nothing too fancy. I walk into the bathroom and put a layer of foundation on my face and give my eyelashes a touch of mascara to make her happy. I see Johanna behind me in the mirror.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

She comes over and takes the makeup from my hands. "Here. You watch, when you walk down those stairs he'll be impressed." She tells me with a smug smile, lining my eyes with black and grey. She paints my lips in a subtle red which I appreciate.

"Who exactly are you talking about?" I ask with irritation as I pull the black dress from the hanger in my bedroom and slip it on.

"You know who." She says and turns me towards the mirror. Now I understand her obsession with my appearance. She was trying to set me up!

"He sees my every day; he's not going to be impressed. And he shouldn't need to be! We're friends!" I argue.

"Oh come on. You guys have been flirting for weeks. Neither of you have the courage to actually do anything." She grins and looks towards the mirror. "There."

I have to admit she had done a good job. I was actually I little bit impressed. My hair hung straight and silky down my back, my grey eyes were striking with the layers of eyeliner she'd put on. The dress was skintight and sleeveless and just plain black. It showed off my figure but kept hidden enough skin so it wasn't skanky.

"Thanks." I mutter to her, actually happy with her results. I'd have to remember to take a picture to show Prim.

"No problem brainless." She parades out of the room and down the stairs as the doorbell rings.

By the time I head down there are already a few people here. Mostly they are our close friends. I'm expecting it'll take a few more hours before the uninvited drunkards make their appearance. When my feet reach the floorboards Finnick emerges along with Annie.

He whistles and says, "Looking hot Kat." Annie doesn't bat an eyelid towards his comment.

I roll my eyes and shove him before heading towards the kitchen for a drink. When I close the fridge Peeta peeks at me from the other side.

"Still upset about the party?" He asks with a smile, popping the top off a beer of his own. He leans against the wall casually.

"I got over it."

His smile widens. "You look great."

"Thanks." I smile and then walk out of the kitchen. I was entering dangerous territory with Peeta. I had been for weeks. So to put my mind at ease I chose to strike a conversation with Delly of all people as the night gradually took shape around us. I drank to try and numb my concerns.

In a few hours I had proven myself to be right. Hundreds of college kids flooded the house and all expressed their approval at our new house. Loud music pumped through the walls and I was waiting for when we'd get the knock on the door telling us to shut up.

There's a drinking game going on in the kitchen with various guys from the volleyball and football teams betting. Out the back people dance, while in the lounge room there is slightly more peace with a few couples making out on the couches. I'd made a point of locking my bedroom door earlier in the evening to avoid walking in on anyone.

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