Chapter 6

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...I'm forced to look from him to the porch.

And there he is. The same as always.

"Hey Catnip."

None other than Gale Hawthorne.


The minute I turn around he strides from the porch toward me. Forgetting Peeta I take a few steps in his direction.

"Why didn't you call-" I begin angrily before his lips crash down on mine.

I'm so taken aback I let him kiss me. Not even acknowledging Peeta he gives me a lengthy and fierce kiss. Once he pulls back I demand, "Why didn't you call me? I had to hear you were coming from Prim!"

"Well it was meant to be a surprise..." He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

I glare at him trying to convey he had no right in kissing me especially with Peeta right there. I look back now and see that Peeta looks embarrassed and unsure.

"Peeta this is Gale." I mutter sullenly.

They shake hands in an awkward, manly greeting. "I'll, uh, get the food ready." He mutters before retreating into the house.

Once inside Gale asks tenderly, "How are you?" His hand runs up and down my arm. I step out of his reach.

"I'm fine. You should've told me you'd be here." I rant again. Deep down I knew my anger wasn't fair. My most recent trip back home had been filled with sexual explorations involving Gale. I distinctly remember my legs wrapped around his waist, back to his office wall, and the ecstasy of having sex in such a risky situation. I had led him on to make myself feel better. And now I was paying for it.

He looks at me curiously. "Are you busy?"

"I actually am." I declare, crossing my arms. He was used to my hostile manner.

"With what?" He challenges.

My eyes flicker to the house as I realize I can't tell him. "The firm." I say.

"Or Peeta?" He suggests.

"Excuse me?"

His eyes flicker with anger. "I don't know. Whenever you come back you have no problem being with me yet you refuse to further it. Am I that disposable?" He looks sincerely hurt and I feel conflicted.

I sigh and roughly rub my face. "Gale...look just come inside, okay? I need to talk to you about home anyway."

He reluctantly follows me into the house where Peeta has laid out Chinese on the bench. Thoughtfully, he's placed a stack of three plates next to the containers. Once he spoons out his serve he turns and goes to take it to his room. I know what he is doing. Trying to give us space.

"Peeta!" I follow him down the hall.

He turns reluctantly with an almost hurt expression. "I'm sorry, can we finish this later? I won't be long."

He nods and then makes his way up the stairs. I feel the strange sensation that I have done something wrong. I reenter the kitchen to Gale's raised eyebrows.

"What?" I ask grumpily.

"Are you with him?"

I laugh at the absurdity. "Do you think I would have let you kiss me if I was?"

A hint of a smile takes over Gale's face. "It's good to see you."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you too."

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