20 - Adams Vanderhoff Wedding Part 7

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As Caleb's lips parted, someone yelled my name with the enthusiasm champagne brought and a cluster of my friends joined us on the dance floor.

We settled into regular dancing as if my heart wasn't waiting on bated breath for his response. But it never came as Trevor and Serenity joined the group. Caleb must have taken it as a cue to hold me, which at any other point would have been welcome, especially with the growing closeness between us, but not when Trevor tensed up. I'd caused that man enough pain for a lifetime, so I whispered to Caleb that it was okay, and he released me.

"I said I'd introduce you earlier," I explained.

He ran a hand through his hair and bit his bottom lip. "Anything I need to know?"

I shook my head. "Just be yourself." 

Although I wasn't sure how much of tonight was Caleb being himself and how much was his acting. Our connection after his phone call seemed like more than that, and the conversation moments ago was far too soul-baring to be fake. No one cared that much for show.

We walked over to Trev and his date, receiving smiles from them both.

"Enjoying the wedding?" Caleb's voice wasn't as relaxed as normal but still sounded friendly.

Trevor looked Caleb over from the dark suit jacket, hugging his torso to his green tie. "We are."

"This is Caleb," I put my arm across his back, "And this is Trevor and Serenity."

Everyone expressed their semi-sincere nice to meet yous.

Serenity maintained her smile and took Trevor's hand. "That was quite the dance show you two put on."

Caleb laughed and grinned. "Wouldn't be a proper wedding if we didn't annoy the bride a little." He met my eye, inspiring the same warmth he had all day. "Better us than Vince. I'm sure he's looking forward to tonight once we bugger off."

Trevor studied Caleb's tanned face. "Do you know Vince?"

"We're old mates from his year abroad back in secondary school, or high school is what you call it here. He stayed with my family, and we took classes together. Great bloke, but you all know that."

"So you're here because of that?" Trevor's gaze darted between me and my date.

"That and Audrey." Caleb broke into a grin. "When we heard we were invited to the same wedding, I accepted as quickly as she jumps into the ocean for an adventure. We've been doing long distance, but it's not a walk in the park."

Trevor shot me a look with pain in his eyes. Fuck, that stung. I should never have started this fake relationship. While I'd wanted a buffer from him, I had thought it was to protect us from awkwardness, not to hurt him more than I already had.

Caleb ruffled his hair again. "Perhaps it's more of a short-distance relationship. We're a few time zones apart, but there's nothing like being together."

"That's sweet." Serenity put her arm around Trevor in a side hug.

His expression continued to crumble, and it was like I was back at his place, breaking his heart again. I needed to leave before I caused any more damage.

"I'll be right back."

Without waiting for a response, I bolted from the barn and toward the benches near the altar. My breaths came out heavy as my each step pounded into the ground.

Bring a fake date to the wedding, Audrey. It'll be a fun distraction.

Fuck. What kind of asshole did that?

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