21 - Adams-Vanderhoff Wedding Part 8

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While I'd asked Caleb to tone down our romantic actions, I kept his hand in mine as we crossed the yard toward the barn. Its large open doors spilled light and upbeat music to contrast the hum of crickets and the twittering of birds as they settled in for the evening. His palm was warm and soothing as the air lost some of its earlier heat. Even though it was illogical, I hoped our connection might trap this settled sensation spreading through me.

He knew what I'd done, yet he empathized instead of judging. Somehow, he felt problematic for reasons I'd never understand.

Perhaps we had a future beyond the wedding and the Churchill trip. My heart fluttered at the idea. I glanced at Caleb, who smiled faintly, which dimpled his tanned cheeks. He focused on the barn ahead, but his smile grew wider as he noticed my gaze.

As the ground transitioned from soft grass to crushed gravel, Caleb whispered, "It doesn't appear you need to worry about your ex."

Caleb tilted his head toward a corner of the barn, where Trevor and Serenity made out near an empty table. The shock rooted me in place like a bur oak, and my skin tingled with an unscratchable itch.

I wanted this for him. Serenity was sweet, friendly, and likely sexually attracted to him. I had zero desire to get back together, yet why did I feel so hollow?

"Are you okay, Audrey?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah, good for him." I pressed my lips together.

Despite not wanting to look, my eyes darted back for glimpses of their affection. Was he happier without the boundaries he'd always respected for me? Would Caleb feel the same if we got together?

"Are you sure?" Caleb's eyes remained on me.

Caleb hadn't run or panicked when I'd revealed my asexuality, and he continued to support me and be close to me.

I nodded and turned away from the couple. "I am. Let's celebrate with Claire and Vince."

Once inside the barn, I scanned the dance floor, which our friends had vacated. Older couples and a few parent and young kids pairs had taken it over to the tune of 'Walking on Sunshine'. The fathers dancing with their young daughters always tugged at my heart, especially with their wild, tugging arm movements and their little feet perched on their dad's.

"There they are." Caleb pointed toward the bar area, which had several self-serve metal tubs filled with ice, beer, coolers, and bottles of white wine. Beside that was a wooden bar with one of Claire's uncles who'd taken up bartending as a retirement gig working behind it.

We wandered to the newlyweds, who chatted with Shayne and Hannah. When Claire turned and met my gaze, her eyes brightened, especially as she spied mine and Caleb's hands still entwined. It hardly compared to Trevor's PDA, so I kept it going.

"There you two are. Just in time for a celebration shot," she said.

Caleb's hand stiffened in mine before he glanced at Vince, who whispered to his wife. Her energetic demeanour faded as her eyes widened and she nodded.

"Audrey, are you taking a shot with us?" Her tone was uncertain.

On my own, I would have had one to celebrate. But Caleb's tension and that look from Vince had me reconsidering. His eyes had widened with more than discomfort, almost a touch of panic.

"I'm good with whatever non-alcoholic mix they have. This guy has me on buzzed enough with his dancing."

Caleb released my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer with a smile. "I'll take the same, please. Audrey's naturally intoxicating as well, even without her dancing."

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