First Quest + Aftermath (Chapter 3)

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Deep within the labyrinthine recesses of a shadowy, meandering cave, Sapphire stood resolute amidst the eerie glow of flickering torches, his amethyst eyes ablaze with determination. Clutching his sword firmly, he bore the weight of newfound responsibility upon his shoulders as he confronted a menacing pack of snarling wolves. Beside him floated Eryn, her ethereal presence exuding unwavering support and encouragement in the face of looming peril.

With a primal roar, the wolves surged forward, their razor-sharp fangs gleaming in the ominous light. Sapphire's heart quickened its pace, yet he steeled his nerves, channeling his inner magic to summon swirling orbs of fire that danced around him in a mesmerizing spectacle. Each incandescent orb pulsated with intense heat, poised to be unleashed upon the ferocious adversaries. In a fluid and practiced motion, he executed a swift, arcing slash, the fiery trails left by his blade cutting through the air with precision.

The wolves yelped in pain and recoiled, their fur singed by the scorching flames of his assault. Sapphire's combat maneuvers flowed seamlessly, a testament to his honed skills acquired through countless virtual battles. However, as the confrontation persisted, Sapphire began to feel the strain of his magical exertions. The relentless conjuring of flames exacted a toll, beads of sweat forming upon his brow. A momentary lapse led to a wolf sinking its teeth into his arm, eliciting a pained grimace from him. Yet, amidst the throes of battle, Eryn's soothing voice acted as a beacon of fortitude, urging him to persevere.

The injury caused Sapphire's movements to falter slightly, yet his resolve remained unyielding. Despite setbacks, he continued to engage with valor, his swordsmanship blending skill with unwavering determination. Each calculated strike aimed to incapacitate his foes while conserving his dwindling magical reserves. Nevertheless, his focused state inadvertently made him overlook a protruding stalactite, resulting in a jarring impact on his shoulder.

Eryn hastened to his side, her diminutive form radiating concern as she offered solace and encouragement. Undeterred by these obstacles, Sapphire pressed on. Though his actions now bore the weight of his injuries, each swing of his blade emitted smaller bursts of flames, showcasing his resilience in the face of escalating challenges. The battle wore on, both sides exhibiting signs of fatigue.

Sapphire's injuries slowed his movements further, yet his determination refused to wane. Drawing upon his last reserves of energy, he unleashed a torrential wave of fire, the culmination of his remaining magical prowess. The flames engulfed the remaining wolves, forcing them to retreat in fear. Exhausted yet triumphant, Sapphire let out a victorious yet strained roar, the cavern echoing with a mixture of triumph and relief.

Emerging from the grueling ordeal in the cave, Sapphire and Eryn returned to the Guild as victorious yet fatigued champions. Their return marked the passage of two full days, the third day well underway by mid-afternoon. Presenting their quest completion to Luna, they were rewarded handsomely with 250,000 Eris, a substantial bounty for their valorous endeavors.

With their coin purses now considerably heavier, they opted to seek respite at a nearby inn, securing lodging for the next few days to recuperate from their trials. Stepping out from their temporary sanctuary, Sapphire and Eryn made their way back to the bustling Guild, their spirits buoyed by recent triumphs. Hunger gnawed at them, prompting a visit to the Guild's vibrant dining area for a well-deserved repast.

Seated at a sturdy oak table, Sapphire perused the menu with a contemplative gaze, ultimately selecting a hearty portion of steak that resonated with his warrior's ethos. For Eryn, he chose a delightful serving of sweet pudding, mindful of her penchant for such confections. As they awaited their meal, the bustling ambiance of the Guild's dining hall provided a comforting backdrop.

Conversations ebbed and flowed around them, tales of valor and camaraderie interwoven with laughter and shared victories. The aroma of savory dishes wafted through the air, tantalizing the senses of every adventurer gathered within. Their sustenance arrived promptly, delivered with care by a friendly waitress who took note of their preferences with a warm smile.

Sapphire relished each tender bite of steak, savoring the interplay of flavors on his palate as he recounted their recent escapades to Eryn. The sweet pudding elicited a smile from Eryn, her enjoyment evident as she indulged in the sugary delight. Their meal unfolded amidst the comforting embrace of each other's company, a testament to their burgeoning camaraderie in this fantastical realm.

However, their tranquil respite was abruptly interrupted by a sudden commotion emanating from a neighboring table. Raised voices pierced through the din of the hall, drawing Sapphire and Eryn's attention. Turning their gaze toward the source of turmoil, they bore witness to a troubling scene unfolding. A young man stood, his visage contorted in anger as he unleashed a barrage of verbal assaults upon a distressed girl seated across from him.

The girl appeared visibly distraught, her eyes downturned as she endured the torrent of hurtful words. Sapphire's empathy surged within him, his protective instincts surging forth. Sharing a knowing glance with Eryn, they silently communicated their shared concern for the girl's well-being. It was evident that the situation demanded their intervention, despite their own need for respite.

With a resolute nod, Sapphire rose from his seat, his demeanor radiating quiet determination as Eryn hovered by his side, a steadfast ally in the impending confrontation. Stepping forward, Sapphire and Eryn approached the tumultuous tableau, their presence commanding attention.

"Hey, enough!" Sapphire's authoritative voice sliced through the tension, compelling all present to take notice as he casually rested his sword upon his shoulder. The young man, named Kazuma, faltered in his tirade, his eyes widening at the unexpected intervention of a sword-bearing Sapphire and the fairy companion at his side. Offering an explanation tinged with apology, Kazuma's initial aggression softened.

However, his contrition proved fleeting as he redirected his ire toward the girl once more. Sapphire listened attentively, his expression a blend of understanding and disapproval. "Even so, is it right to cause such distress?" His inquiry held a firm yet empathetic tone, acknowledging the frustration of exclusion while condemning the mistreatment of another.

"Yeah, Kazuma, you useless NEET, why are you yelling so loud?" the girl retorted, her tears giving way to a mocking tone that grated on Sapphire's nerves. Eryn, too, felt a surge of irritation at the girl's mocking demeanor, her tiny fists clenching in frustration. Sapphire's protective instincts kicked in, his gaze shifting between the boy, now called Kazuma, and the girl.

Sapphire's protective instincts surged anew, his gaze unwavering as he addressed both parties, seeking a resolution to the escalating conflict with a blend of compassion and authority when he was interrupted by a voice behind him.

"I saw your recruitment poster."

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