Breakfast (Chapter 14.5)

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After waking up, Sapphire and his companions gathered to establish some household rules. Kazuma called a meeting in the living room, setting the stage for discussions about their new chores around the house. They decided to take turns cooking and cleaning, with the unspoken agreement that everyone would maintain the cleanliness of their own rooms. However, Aqua received a special role—she was assigned toilet duty, which led Sapphire to affectionately nickname her the "toilet goddess." Her immediate reaction was to strangle Sapphire.

Later, Sapphire, Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness ventured into town for a shopping trip. They returned to the mansion hungry after their morning excursion, eager to prepare a meal together. 

The reason for their shopping trip was twofold: not only had they gained ownership of the mansion after exorcising its spirits, but they had also received a substantial payment from the previous owner. This windfall allowed them to purchase necessary items like food and additional furniture, enabling them to cook meals at home rather than relying on guild provisions.

"I can cook today if you guys want," Sapphire volunteered upon their return to the mansion. Although he hadn't shared this information before, back in his homeland, he was a skilled chef—a fact he kept to himself until now.

"Wait, you can cook, Sapphire?" Megumin sounded surprised, intrigued by this newfound revelation.

"Yes, indeed. I was a true chef back in my homeland," Sapphire declared proudly, his culinary skills now on display.

Emerging from the kitchen with a plate of towering pancakes, Sapphire announced, "Pancakes, made by yours truly." His companions eagerly gathered around the table, their hunger evident as they awaited the meal.

"Fuaaaaaa, they smell so good," Megumin exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

Darkness, intrigued by the unfamiliar dish, asked, "Wait, 'pancakes'?"

Sapphire and Kazuma, returning with strawberry jam from the kitchen, exchanged amused glances at their friends' lack of pancake knowledge.

"Is this a delicacy from your homeland?" Darkness inquired further, taking a pancake from the plate.

Sapphire couldn't help but remark, "Wait, they don't know what pancakes are? Oh, what a cruel world..." However, he quickly added, "Ah, yes, they're from my homeland. Make sure to add the strawberry jam. Then they'll be heavenly."

Aqua, lifting her head from the table, chimed in with a playful challenge, "Heavenly, you say? Hmph! I'll be the judge of that." The group's first breakfast together in their new home was a delightful mix of culinary discovery and friendly banter, setting the tone for their shared adventures in the mansion.

Sapphire took a plate of pancakes up too his room and set them next to a sleeping Eryn, kissing her on the forehead "Love you sis" as soon as the words left his mouth, he rushed out embarrassed.

After savoring every last bite of the delectable pancakes, Sapphire and his companions found themselves lounging in the living room, their stomachs pleasantly full from the feast. They sprawled comfortably near the crackling fireplace, basking in the warmth of both the fire and the camaraderie.

"Ughhh, I guess you didn't lie about the 'true chef' part..." Kazuma remarked, reclining on the sofa beside Sapphire.

"I never would've guessed that you are such a great cook, Sapphire," Darkness added, her tone impressed by the unexpected culinary delight.

"That was probably the best thing I've ever eaten in my life..." said Megumin, who had settled on the floor, clearly content.

"When I get back to heaven, I'll make sure to add your pancakes to the list of meals there," Aqua said, her usual snark momentarily replaced by genuine appreciation.

"Alright, stop with the compliments; there is steam coming out of his ears..." Kazuma interjected playfully, noting Sapphire's overwhelmed expression from the shower of compliments.

"Who are you people, and what have you done to my party?" Sapphire teased, his lips curling into a smile as he soaked in the rare moment of praise.

After a brief rest, the group made their way to the adventurers guild, finding their usual spot at a familiar table.

"I've had enough! I'm so sick of being in debt!" Aqua's outburst echoed through the guild hall, drawing curious glances from other adventurers.

"We need a quest! Thanks to that dullahan, there are only tough ones left, but it's better than nothing!" Kazuma's voice cut through the tension, his resolve clear.

"Wait a sec, what happened to your reward money for exorcising the cemetery?" Sapphire's inquiry prompted Aqua to look away, a hint of guilt crossing her features.

"Grrr... Fine! I spent all of it, and now I got a huge debt with those guys!" Aqua confessed, her frustration evident.

"Your debt, your problem! Why do all of us have to go on a quest just because you got into debt?" Kazuma's frustration mirrored Sapphire's sentiment.

"I... I don't mind going on a quest," Darkness offered quietly, her sense of duty shining through.

"Of course you don't," Sapphire remarked with a touch of sarcasm, understanding Darkness's tendency to seek challenges.

"P-Please, Kazuma-san! I'm sick of working part-time in the shopping district! I'll work hard! W-We can choose a quest on which you will not have to do anything! I'll do all the work!" Aqua pleaded desperately, her desperation palpable as she clung to Kazuma's clothes.

"She's so pathetic..." Kazuma muttered under his breath, torn between frustration and sympathy for Aqua's plight.

"Alright, alright, stop crying! Go pick a decent quest," Kazuma relented, his practical side winning over.

"Gasp Got it!" Aqua exclaimed, her mood shifting from desperation to determination as she headed to the quest board.

As the group discussed Aqua's sudden change of heart, Megumin voiced her concern. "Can we really trust Aqua with this?"

"No, we can't. She'll likely bring a suicide quest," Kazuma remarked, his skepticism evident.

"I'd be okay with something a bit unreasonable!" Darkness chimed in, her adventurous spirit unfazed by the potential dangers.

"Darkness, stop leaning on the table; you are too heavy. It's gonna break," Sapphire deadpanned, his practical nature surfacing amidst the banter.

"D-Don't say that I'm heavy! You have to specify that my armor is heavy!" Darkness retorted, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Hmm, I think I'm gonna check on her," Kazuma decided, rising from the table and making his way toward the quest board.

After a few minutes, Sapphire also decided to investigate, eventually finding Kazuma and Aqua by the reception desk.

"Oi, what's taking so long?" Sapphire inquired, curious about the delay.

"Hm? Ah, Aqua surprisingly got us a pretty decent quest, but there is one problem, though. Fortunately, I already know how to solve it," Kazuma explained, his confidence in their ability to navigate challenges evident.

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