Megumin Joined the Party (Chapter 6)

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The four walked through the bustling town, Aqua's tears glistening, and Megumin now perched on Kazuma's back. Sapphire stood pristine amidst the group, unblemished by the slime. "The inside of that toad was an assault on the senses, but oddly comforting," remarked Megumin, reflecting on their recent quest.

"That's more detail than I needed," Sapphire remarked with a nod. "Agreed." while Eryn, now resting on Sapphire's shoulder, added. "You're restricted from using explosion magic unless it's a dire situation. Focus on other magic instead." Kazuma addressed Megumin. "I can't," Megumin replied, prompting curious glances from the group. "Why not?" Eryn inquired, puzzled. "I'm limited to only explosion magic. I'm incapable of casting any other type," Megumin confessed. Kazuma looked incredulous, "Seriously?"

Aqua interjected, "Wait, shouldn't your high level in explosion magic mean you can handle others too? I didn't unlock all my Arch Priest spells until I mastered party tricks." Sapphire raised an eyebrow at Aqua, "Why would anyone waste time on party tricks?" he questioned the usefulness of such skills.

"I'm an Arch Wizard devoted solely to explosions. I detest other magic in the same vein. My passion lies in the explosion! I could diversify and excel in various spells, but that's not my calling. I'm all about the boom! Even if it means using it sparingly or risking collapse, explosion magic is my one true love. I chose the path of an Arch Wizard solely for this passion!" Megumin  explained, fervent in her love for explosion magic.

"Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous! Though it may lack practicality, your romantic determination is quite inspiring," Aqua exclaimed, visibly touched. They exchanged thumbs-up in mutual approval. "Ah, I understand now. Your journey ahead may be challenging, but give it your all! Once we're back at the guild, we'll divide the spoils equally. And whenever we can, let's arrange to meet elsewhere—" Kazuma began, his voice interrupted by Megumin's firm interruption.

"My sole ambition is to wield my explosion magic. I'd even forgo payment if necessary. Yes, the mighty skills of an Arch Wizard can be yours for the modest price of food and essentials! What other option do you have but to engage in a long-term contract with me?" Megumin declared confidently, prompting Kazuma's immediate rejection with vigorous head-shaking and a loud "No, no, no, no, no!"

Undeterred, Kazuma attempted to pry Megumin off his back, but her grip tightened, inadvertently causing him discomfort. "Such formidable power shouldn't be squandered on a mere band of fledgling adventurers like us," Kazuma argued, struggling against Megumin's determined hold.

"No, no, no!" Megumin retorted, her legs secured around Kazuma as she continued her rebuttal. "It's irrelevant if we're inexperienced! I possess an advanced job, even if I'm only level 6. Please, stop trying to separate us!" She countered Kazuma's efforts with each tug.

"Let go of me already! Besides, in dungeons, there won't be space for your explosion magic! You're becoming more impractical by the second!" Kazuma persisted, pulling harder. Aqua voiced her dismay as some slime splattered on her face, "Stop it! You're getting slime all over me!" she complained.

"No other group will accept me now! I'll carry your burdens, whatever you need! Please, I implore you, don't abandon me!" Megumin pleaded, tugging at the heartstrings of Sapphire, who felt sympathy for her plight. "How terrible. That man is attempting to abandon that young girl," Sapphire observed, unaware of three nearby women who were silently watching them until one spoke up.

"And there's another girl and a man with him. He must be coercing the man somehow," one of the women remarked. "Treating such a young girl like a disposable toy? What a despicable person," added another woman. "Look at them, covered in slime! What kind of mistreatment is he subjecting them to?" the third woman expressed her shock and concern.

"I-I mean, it's not what you think!" Kazuma hurriedly defended himself, his eyes wide with anxiety. In response, Megumin's expression shifted to a darkly satisfied smirk as she locked eyes with Kazuma. "I'm willing to comply with whatever you decide! I'll prove I can endure even the slimy ordeal we faced with the frogs. Just, please, spare me the embarrassment in front of Sapphire. He's the only ally I have left," she pleaded, her voice echoing loud enough for all to hear.

Eventually, Kazuma and I parted ways with Aqua and Megumin, who headed off to clean themselves up. At the guild, Luna addressed us, confirming the completion of our quest and thanking us for our efforts. "You've done well," Luna commended Kazuma, handing back their Adventurer Cards. "I jumped four levels in one go. It's amazing how much stronger you get just by battling monsters," Kazuma remarked, inspecting his updated card.

Sapphire, too, noticed his increased levels and the availability of fifteen skill points. His current options included:

Transform (3): This skill allows the user to transform their Fury into various weapons like a Great Sword, Gauntlets, Bow, Scythe, Axe, or Cannon.

Flame Assault (5): Unleash a relentless barrage of fiery slashes infused with intense heat, overwhelming foes with a continuous onslaught of flames.

Fire Line (5): Summon a towering pillar of fire from the ground, serving as a potent barrier or offensive line against enemies, offering both defensive and offensive capabilities.

"The fresher the adventurer, the swifter they level up. Now, factoring in the proceeds from the giant toads and their quest's rewards, their grand sum amounts to 110,000 Eris," Luna announced with a cheerful smile.

Kazuma and Sapphire returned to their table, where Sapphire mused, "So, 110,000 Eris split among four comrades means 27,500 Eris each." Kazuma let out a weary sigh, lamenting, "27,500 Eris for each of us. We risked our lives for that. It hardly seems worth it." Sapphire nodded, sympathizing, "While I agree about this particular quest, there are certainly more perilous tasks available on the board."

Finishing their drink with a yawn, Sapphire announced, "Well, until tomorrow, Kazuma. I'm off to bed." He nodded in acknowledgment as Sapphire headed toward the exit. As he reached for the door, approaching footsteps and a feminine voice caught their attention. "I saw your recruitment notice. Are you still seeking party members?" she inquired, piquing Sapphire's interest.

Sapphire turned to behold a resplendent female knight clad in gleaming yellow armor, her lustrous blonde locks elegantly styled in a ponytail fastened with a braided tie, accentuated by vibrant red hair clips adorning both sides of her bangs. Another tired yawn escaped Sapphire's lips before he spoke, "If you're interested in joining, you'll need to speak with my friend over there." With a graceful gesture, he indicated Kazuma and added, "He's overseeing our party." The knight nodded with understanding and replied, "Ah, I see. Thank you." Sapphire reciprocated the nod before the knight proceeded to approach Kazuma. With that, Sapphire resumed his journey, making her way back to his room at the inn.

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