Mitsugi Kikuya? (I Think-Sapphire) (Chapter 15)

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As the four of them walked along a dirt road away from Axel, with Aqua sitting inside a cage with iron bars, being pulled by a horse. This was because Aqua had accepted a quest to purify a lake inhabited by wild alligators, and to protect her, Kazuma had acquired a cage from the guild. 

They had to sit back and watch as Aqua purified the lake for half a day, the length of time it was going to take.

They dumped the cage, with Aqua inside, into the lake and tied it with a chain to a nearby rock for extra measure.

"Aqua! If something happens, just shout!" Sapphire instructed.

"I think she would've shouted even if you hadn't told her," Sapphire remarked to Kazuma before lying down under a tree.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kazuma asked.

"Sleeping. Wake me up if something happens," Sapphire replied.

"Oi, we have to-"


Seven hours later, Kazuma woke Sapphire up, saying they were going back.

"Ughh... is it morning already...?" Sapphire groggily replied.

While Sapphire was sleeping soundly, Aqua's cage was attacked by the alligators. None of Sapphire's party members decided to help her out; they just watched. After a few hours, the lake was purified, and the alligators dispersed. However, Aqua got traumatized and didn't want to leave the cage. So, their only option was to take the cage with Aqua inside and take it back to Axel.

As they entered Axel with Aqua still in the cage, they received a lot of questioning stares due to the unusual sight. "Hey, Aqua, we're in town now, so stop singing that song," Kazuma said with a sigh.

"Yeah, a lot of people are glaring daggers at us," Sapphire said, walking beside Kazuma.

"Hell, just get out already!" Kazuma shouted, attracting more attention.

"No. This cage is my sanctuary. The outside world is scary. I'm not going out there," Aqua mumbled miserably.

"She's completely holed herself up in there," Megumin said with a hint of pity in her voice.

"Maybe lay off from her for a while, Kazuma. She'll get out eventually," Sapphire proposed.

"Maybe... Sigh. She's just how I used to be." Kazuma whispered.

"Huh?" Darkness tilted her head.

"I didn't say anything." Kazuma quickly said.

Suddenly, a new voice shouted from behind them, calling out to Aqua as "Goddess-sama." It was Mitsurugi Kyouya, a serious-looking guy who had light brown hair, blue eyes, and was covered in dark blue plate armor with a gold circlet on his head. He bent the iron bars of the cage with his bare hands and started shouting at Aqua.

"Oi, oi! Can't you see she's traumatized? What are you thinking, destroying someone else's property like that, anyway?" Sapphire intervened, putting a hand on Mitsurugi's shoulder.

"Our friend here doesn't like people getting too close. Who are you?" Darkness added, also placing a hand on Mitsurugi's shoulder.

After a few minutes of explaining, Mitsurugi became outraged, scolding Sapphire and Kazuma for bringing a goddess into this world and then endangering her by dumping her in a lake full of dangerous alligators.

"Two things, buddy," Sapphire said, pointing their sword at Mitsurugi's neck. "One: let go of my friend. Two: I didn't drag her here; that was all his doing. Don't misinterpret," they gestured at Kazuma.

In response, Mitsurugi showed off his sword, Gram, and proclaimed himself as Aqua's hero, offering to buy them high-grade equipment and inviting them to travel with him instead.

"The audacity of this kid. He acts like he owns the world. And now he tries to steal members from other parties. And after everything he said to Kazuma too. Pisses me off," Sapphire growled.

"Hey, this guy seriously creeps me out. Plus, he's a total narcissist," Aqua complained.

"My mind cannot accept this man's mere existence. I usually prefer to receive damage than give it, but just something about him makes me want to hit him," Darkness confessed.

"Can I please use explosion?" Megumin asked with a pissed-off expression on her face.

Sapphire leaned in close to his party leader, Kazuma, and whispered urgently, "Kazuma, I need to handle this." Kazuma raised an eyebrow, curious. "Why is that?" he inquired. Sapphire's voice was firm, "Because he's really getting on my nerves." Kazuma relented with a shrug, "Alright, go for it," before refocusing on the narcissistic figure of Kyouya ahead, "Can one of my party members engage you in combat?"

Kyouya paused, considering, before conceding, "Very well." Sapphire, with a swift transformation of his weapon, shifted his sword into formidable gauntlets, assuming a battle-ready stance. He taunted, "Ready for a taste of defeat?" Kyouya, unimpressed, readied his sword and retorted, "With that flimsy blade? I highly doubt it."

The clash began with Kyouya's sword slicing through the air with deadly intent. Sapphire reacted with honed reflexes, sidestepping to narrowly evade the lethal strike. He took a deliberate breath, assessing his opponent's moves and strategies. Sapphire's movements were fluid and calculated, showcasing his mastery with the gauntlets as he dodged and parried Kyouya's aggressive strikes.

Growing frustrated by Sapphire's agility, Kyouya executed a sweeping arc with his sword. Sapphire anticipated the move with keen perception, smoothly ducking under the swing and countering with a calculated jab aimed at Kyouya's exposed side. Though Kyouya grunted in pain, he retaliated with renewed vigor, launching a barrage of rapid slashes aimed at Sapphire's vulnerable spots.

Sapphire deftly deflected each strike with precise timing, his movements almost dance-like in their grace. As Kyouya's sword descended for what seemed like a decisive blow, Sapphire swiftly transformed his gauntlets into a greatsword, meeting Kyouya's attack with sheer strength. The clash of their weapons echoed through the area, the force overwhelming enough to knock Kyouya off balance temporarily.

Seizing the momentary opening, Sapphire capitalized on Kyouya's disorientation. With a fluid transition, his weapon morphed into a bow, and he unleashed a barrage of arrows with pinpoint accuracy. The projectiles rained down on Kyouya, leaving him staggered and struggling to regain his footing.

With Kyouya momentarily stunned, Sapphire's weapon transformed once more, this time into a scythe. With a powerful, sweeping strike, Sapphire delivered a decisive blow, rendering Kyouya unconscious on impact. The fight had been intense, each move calculated and executed with precision.

Breathing heavily from the exertion of the duel, Sapphire caught Kazuma's congratulatory remark, "Well done, Sapphire! You really showed him."

Startled by the sudden confrontation, Sapphire turned to face two girls emerging from a nearby alley. "Who are you?" he asked, taken aback. One of the girls spoke accusingly, "We're from Kyouya's party, and we don't accept this victory!" Sapphire frowned, mentally questioning the situation. He then turned to Kazuma, seeking confirmation, "Didn't he agree to one request if we won?" Kazuma nodded affirmatively, confirming their agreement before the fight had begun.

As the girls hurled accusations of cowardice at him once more, Sapphire brushed off their comments and turned to Kazuma, inquiring, "So, what's your request? I don't really want anything specific." Kazuma took a moment to consider before responding, "Hmmm, this sword looks nice. Guess I'll take it." He casually picked up the sword from the ground, his actions displaying a sense of ease.

The second girl interjected, demanding, "Give back Gram!" Her companion echoed, "Yeah, only Kyouya can use it!"

Kazuma sought clarification from Aqua, asking, "Is that true?" Aqua affirmed with regret, "Unfortunately, the sword is designated for this embarrassing guy's use only." Kazuma let out a resigned sigh, remarking, "Oh well, I was needing extra cash anyway. Does one of you know where the nearest pawn shop is?"

The first girl's voice rose again in protest, "St-stop! We still won't accept the way you've won, you coward!" Despite the escalating tension and accusations, Sapphire maintained his composure, focusing on the conversation with Kazuma while the girls continued to voice their displeasure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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