Sapphire Looking for New Gear (Chapter 10)

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Done with Megumin's shopping, Sapphire's turn had arrived as they slowly approached the blacksmith. Ever since they left the magic shop, Megumin hadn't spoken a word to Sapphire. Although her blush had lessened, there was still a noticeable hint of embarrassment lingering in her demeanor—a perfect opportunity for Sapphire to tease her a little.

Drawing closer to her, Sapphire leaned over and spoke with a mischievous smirk, "How's your new bracelet, honey?"

"S-Shut up!" Megumin screeched, pulling the brim of her hat over her face in an attempt to hide her reddening cheeks.

"Oh, come on, why are you so embarrassed? It wasn't that bad. Everyone makes mistakes. Or... maybe... there's something more than just plain embarrassment? Maybe you really—?" Sapphire's playful grin hinted at continuing the teasing, but he got cut off before he could finish.

"As if! We've known each other for barely a week, you pervert!" Megumin retorted sharply, defending herself against Sapphire's playful insinuation.

"Geez, I was just joking. No need to be so hostile," Sapphire responded dejectedly, stretching his arms over his head in a casual gesture.

In response, Megumin only looked at Sapphire with conflicted eyes before shifting her gaze to the ground. The rest of their walk to the blacksmith was spent in silence, neither of them exchanging a word.

"Damn, this is awkward," Sapphire muttered to himself, feeling the need to break the tension with some conversation but unable to find a suitable topic. Their arrival at the blacksmith's put an end to the uncomfortable silence, shifting their focus to the task at hand.

As Sapphire stepped inside, they were greeted by a heated exchange:

"I told you to make a claymore! What in Eris' name is this?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I j-just-"

"Don't you 'sorry' me! If you want to become a blacksmith, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the things you're making! If you don't know what a claymore looks like, then how do you see yourself becoming a blacksmith one day?!"

A robust, bald man loomed over a kid, perhaps the same age as Megumin, who was holding a metal abomination in his trembling hands.

Sapphire and Megumin exchanged uncertain glances, unsure whether to intervene or wait for the confrontation to resolve itself. Eventually, the blacksmith waved the distressed kid off, then turned around, noticing Sapphire and Megumin with surprise.

"Oh! Customers? I'm sorry for the commotion; please, what can I do for you?" His tone shifted instantly from stern to the friendly and helpful demeanor of a shop owner.

"And, uh... how much did you hear?" he inquired nervously, scratching the back of his head, sweat droplets forming on his forehead.

"Enough," Sapphire and Megumin replied simultaneously, their expressions indicating they had heard the entirety of the heated conversation.

"...A-Ah, so what can I do for you?" The blacksmith managed a guilty smile, his demeanor slightly embarrassed yet still accommodating. Sapphire summoned his sword and placed it on the counter "Can you upgrade this at all." Sapphire asked. After a few minutes the blacksmith came back with the fencers sword "I can't find a metal what would make this more durable and its as sharp as can be." He said unable to improve the blade so they returned to the inn.

"Hey Sapphire, wake up." Sapphire's eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep. "Sapphire!" He groaned, slowly coming to his senses. "Morning Sapphire, ready for today?" Megumin's energetic voice finally registered in his drowsy mind.

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