Partying Up? (Chapter 5)

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As they arrived in the open field, Sapphire's keen eyes immediately spotted one of the giant toads Kazuma had mentioned. The creature resembled an ordinary toad in every aspect except for its enormous size, living up to its name as a giant toad. "Explosion magic is the strongest magic, but it requires time to prepare. Please keep that toad at bay until my preparations are complete," Megumin explained, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Right! I'll do it!" Kazuma nodded in agreement, taking on the role of assisting Megumin in her magical endeavors. "You can count on us!" Sapphire chimed in, offering a confident thumbs up as he prepared to engage the monstrous amphibian.

"Guys! There's another one over there!" Aqua's sharp cry broke through their focus, drawing their attention to yet another giant toad hopping towards them. "Well, that seems to even out our odds a bit," Sapphire remarked casually, noting the arrival of the second adversary. "You know, I didn't realize they came in so many colors," Kazuma quipped, his humor momentarily lightening the tense atmosphere.

However, Aqua's urgency brought them back to the task at hand. "Right. Megumin, target the one in the distance. Sapphire, you stay here and cover Megumin!" Kazuma took charge, assigning roles to optimize their combat strategy. "Understood," Sapphire affirmed, his stance ready for action. "You got it," Megumin confirmed, focusing her attention on the distant target.

"As for the closer one... Hey, let's go, Aqua! You're a former something-or-other, right? Show off some of your former ability," Kazuma teased Aqua, his words carrying a hint of sarcasm.

"What do you mean 'former'?! I am a goddess! Present tense!" Aqua retorted sharply, her pride stung by Kazuma's remarks. Megumin, confused by the exchange, repeated, "Goddess?"

"Oh, she likes to call herself that. It's rather sad. I've tried to get her to stop, but it's proven less than successful," Kazuma commented offhandedly.

"These frogs may possess formidable resilience against physical assaults, but this time, without a doubt..." Aqua declared with a fiery determination that illuminated her eyes. With a swift dash that showcased her agility, she moved toward one of the massive amphibians, her steps purposeful and confident. "Behold, you three! Today, the divine power within me shall manifest! Quiver in awe and succumb to slumber! Witness the divine requiem of gods—God Requiem! It is a symphony of love and anguish sung by a goddess! Those it touches shall meet their demise!".

Aqua delivered a potent blow with her specialized technique, expecting the toad to crumble under the divine power she channeled. Yet, to everyone's surprise, the amphibian remained unaffected, showcasing its resilience against conventional attacks. In a swift counterattack, the toad clamped onto Aqua, lifting her aloft with a menacing intent to consume her, prompting Kazuma to quip with a mixture of resignation and amusement, "Ah, the valor of a goddess, risking all to grant us a fleeting respite."

"A sacrifice truly noble," added Sapphire with a chuckle, moving swiftly to summon his sword and come to Aqua's aid. His efforts were suddenly interrupted by a shift in pressure, signaling Megumin's impending incantation.

With fervor in her eyes, Megumin invoked her spell with precision and passion, channeling the depths of darkness and the intensity of her scarlet passion into her incantation. "Darkness, deeper than the abyss and blacker than the void, merge with my scarlet passion. The hour of awakening draws near. Oh, justice that transcends the unbreakable threshold, manifest as an imperceptible distortion! Dance, dance, dance! For my torrent of power, I invoke a force unrivaled, a force of annihilation! Reduce all creation to ash, arise from the abyss! This is humanity's most formidable weapon, the ultimate magic of destruction! EXPLOSION!!"

The air crackled with energy as Megumin's spell reached its climax, culminating in a cataclysmic explosion that engulfed the battlefield in a blaze of destructive power. Sapphire, caught nearer to the blast's epicenter than Kazuma, was propelled through the air by the colossal detonation, his form carried by the shockwave.

In the aftermath, the once formidable toads were reduced to nothing but a gaping crater, a testament to the overwhelming force of Megumin's explosion magic. Startled awake by the cacophony and the subsequent silence that followed, Eryn emerged from Sapphire's pocket, her eyes wide in wonder at the devastating yet awe-inspiring aftermath of Megumin's spell.

Sapphire sprang to his feet, his awe at the spell's power momentarily forgotten as he witnessed Megumin collapse under the strain of her magic. "The spell drains all of my mana, leaving me utterly spent. Please, I need your help," Megumin pleaded urgently as the toad's tongue coiled around her leg, threatening to drag her closer.

"Kazuma, help Megumin! I'll handle Aqua!" Sapphire's voice rang out with urgency, his eyes focused and determined. With swift precision honed from battles past, he unleashed a series of strikes using his signature technique, Shooting Slash. Each motion was calculated, his sword dancing through the air as he charged toward the toad that had swallowed Aqua whole.

The air around him crackled with fiery energy as Sapphire's sword cut through the atmosphere. Horizontal slashes sliced through the air with precision, followed by a searing vertical flame slash that erupted from his blade, aimed directly at the toad's swollen belly. The creature stood no chance against the onslaught, and in an instant, it was engulfed in a blaze of intense heat and destructive force, reduced to a charred husk.

As the toad's remains smoldered, Aqua emerged from its mouth, drenched in a combination of saliva and the creature's blood. She staggered, visibly shaken by the ordeal, her tears mixing with the grime on her face. Overcome with emotion, she reached out to Sapphire, seeking comfort in his presence.

However, the sight and smell of the filth covering Aqua caused Sapphire to recoil in alarm, his instincts kicking in with a surge of disgust. "Don't touch me when you're covered in that filth!" Sapphire exclaimed in a panic, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and revulsion. He quickly moved away, his focus shifting to ensure Megumin's safety and recovery from the magical exertion.

Sapphire sees Kazuma carrying a slime covered Megumin. "Were going back to town. Right. Now." Kazuma says as the slime from Megumin clings to his clothes.

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