Day with Megumin (Chapter 9)

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The day after the cabbage hunt, Sapphire found himself settled at the guild table amidst a bustling and animated scene. "What did you say?! I caught so many cabbages! How is that even possible?!" Aqua's voice rang out, already stirring up a commotion. "W-Well, most of what you caught is actually lettuce..." someone tried to explain, only to be cut off by Aqua's outburst. "Why is there lettuce mixed in?!" Aqua had the guild receptionist by the shirt, nearly causing a wardrobe malfunction, shaking her vigorously. "Well, lettuce does have a low redemption rate," Darkness remarked beside Sapphire, shooting an intense look at the receptionist. "I don't even want to know what she's imagining right now," Sapphire murmured, glancing at Aqua's fervent actions.

"Hah... ah..." Sapphire turned towards a moaning voice, only to witness Megumin's peculiar behavior in the corner of the guild. "The luster of this Manatite staff brimming with magical power~ Hah... haah..." Megumin was engrossed in an unusual display of affection toward her staff. "I don't know how, but she's even more outlandish than Darkness right now..." Sapphire commented, a mixture of disbelief and amusement coloring his tone. "What do you mean 'more outlandish than Darkness'?" Megumin interjected, but Sapphire was certain she was about to offer a self-explanatory retort. "K-Kazuma-san~ I thought this for a while now, but you're-" Aqua began tentatively. "No. Don't even try. I'm not giving any of you even one measly eris," Kazuma interjected firmly, cutting her off.

"...K-Kazuma-san! I thought I'd make a fortune with this quest, so I spent all my money-" Aqua persisted. "Like I care!" Kazuma's retort was sharp and dismissive. Soon, they were embroiled in an argument, and Sapphire and the others could only watch the scene unfold with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "So, what did you guys buy with all the money from the quest?" Sapphire quickly changed the topic, eager to steer away from the bickering duo. "Oh, that's right, Sapphire! Check out this mighty staff! Its power is so compelling, I just... hah-" Megumin began, her enthusiasm palpable.

"OK, I've heard enough. Darkness?" Sapphire turned to Darkness, prompting her to share her recent acquisitions. "I-I repaired my armor. It's all so shiny now!" Darkness beamed proudly, revealing her investment. "By the way, I didn't spend all my money. I wanted to go buy some accessories to boost the damage of my Explosion magic," Megumin added, showcasing her strategic thinking. "I can tag along if you want. I wanted to buy better gear for myself," Sapphire chimed in, mentioning his recent discussion with another Assassin about essential gear for the 'late game.'

Meanwhile, right in front of them, Aqua was saying something intriguing. "Well, you are a boy after all. I hear you rustling around beside me in the stables some nights, so I'm sure you'd like a private room as soon as possible-" "OK, fine! I'll lend you some money so just shut up!" Kazuma relented, ending the discussion with Aqua on a practical note.

On their way to the magic item shop with Megumin, Sapphire recalled a pressing matter he wanted to discuss with Kazuma about their party's potential living arrangements.

"Sigh Nothing. I just wanted to talk to Kazuma about the future of our party. More specifically our living conditions. I mean, we sleep in the inn. Kazuma and Aqua sleep in the stables. I don't know where Darkness stays for the night, but the point is that as a party having a house or something would be very convenient. And it would also serve as a great opportunity to bond with each other," Sapphire explained, his thoughts flowing as they walked.

"I like this idea. The inn I'm staying at isn't so bad, but staying there for the rest of my life just won't work. Not to mention that we have to pay for our inns, so we can't stay there forever," Megumin agreed, nodding in understanding.

"But there are two problems with it," she continued, turning to Sapphire.

"One: with our current money situation, it'll be hard to buy even the smallest house. Kazuma with his million Eris might be able to afford something, but we'll need to discuss such matters when everyone is present. And two: two young and healthy males and one young beautiful female genius like myself sleeping in the same house would be quite dangerous," Megumin pointed out with a teasing smile.

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