Solo Quest (Chapter 14)

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Sapphire stood before the guild's quest board, his azure eyes scanning the array of tasks laid out before him with keen interest. Eryn, his loyal fairy companion with iridescent wings that shimmered in the sunlight, joined him after savoring her morning meal.

"What piques your interest today?" Eryn's melodious voice carried a hint of curiosity as she hovered beside him.

"I've set my sights on this kill quest for trolls near the dense eastern forest," Sapphire replied, his voice tinged with determination as he absorbed the intricacies of the mission.

"Trolls? That sounds dangerous. Do you think you should face them alone?" Eryn's concern reflected in the delicate flutter of her wings. Sapphire reassured her as they left.

Navigating the treacherous terrain with a blend of caution and expertise, Sapphire soon stumbled upon telltale signs of troll presence—gigantic footprints etched deeply into the earth, shattered branches like splintered bones, and distant guttural rumblings in the trolls' native tongue. Keeping to the shadows, he stealthily approached their encampment, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

A trio of towering trolls, their hulking forms illuminated by a crackling campfire, presented a formidable challenge. Sapphire's mind raced with strategies as he observed their brutish movements and crude weaponry. With a silent resolve, he unleashed his plan of attack, relying on his agility, quick reflexes, and the transformative power of his blade.

In a blur of motion and controlled chaos, Sapphire engaged the trolls, his sword morphing into various lethal forms with each strike. His fire magic added a scorching intensity to his attacks, exploiting weaknesses with precision while evading the trolls' thunderous blows. The forest bore witness to their clash, the air alive with the clash of steel against flesh and the crackle of arcane flames.

Through sheer skill and unwavering determination, Sapphire danced through the fray, his every move a calculated step towards victory. As the last troll fell beneath his blade, he took a moment to catch his breath amidst the tranquil embrace of the forest, his heart pounding with the thrill of triumph.

With proof of his conquest in hand, Sapphire made his way back to civilization, knowing that the villages would rest easier without the looming threat of trolls.

As Sapphire and Eryn began their journey back, the sun started its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the forest. Sapphire, usually so focused on his quests, seemed unusually relaxed, as if he wanted to savor the peaceful moments before returning to the bustling guild hall.

"I don't think we need to rush back today," Sapphire said, his voice carrying a rare hint of laid-back ease. Eryn nodded in agreement, her wings beating softly as she hovered beside him. "It's nice to take a moment and enjoy the journey, especially after such a challenging quest."

They took a leisurely route, following winding paths that led through patches of wildflowers and babbling brooks. Eryn flitted about, occasionally darting off to investigate a particularly intriguing flower or to chase after a playful woodland creature. Sapphire walked with a calm assurance, his senses attuned to the sounds of the forest around them.

As evening approached, they found a serene clearing bathed in the soft light of the setting sun. Sapphire decided it was the perfect spot to rest for the night.

"We can camp here," Sapphire suggested, already gathering dry wood for a fire. "No need to rush back when we can enjoy a night under the stars."

Eryn helped with setting up their camp, her magical aura assisting in creating a comfortable and safe space amidst the wilderness. They shared stories by the crackling fire, reminiscing about past adventures and laughing at shared memories.

"It's moments like these that remind me why I love this life," Sapphire said, gazing up at the star-strewn sky. "The freedom, the camaraderie, the thrill of overcoming challenges."

Eryn smiled, her wings glowing softly in the firelight. "And having a partner like you makes it all the more rewarding."

As the night deepened, they settled in for a peaceful sleep, wrapped in the comforting embrace of the forest. They cherished the tranquility of the present moment, united in their bond forged through adventure and friendship. The stars seemed to twinkle brighter that night, as if celebrating their victory and the enduring partnership of Sapphire and Eryn amidst the vastness of the cosmos.

As they return to the guild they see Aqua and Kazuma stood within the bustling guild hall, their recent victory over the spirits earning them a special reward from the guild's receptionist. The room buzzed with activity as adventurers exchanged tales of their exploits, but their conversation turned serious as Kazuma's curiosity prodded for answers.

"Why did so many spirits gather there, by the way?" Kazuma's voice held a note of intrigue, his gaze fixed on the receptionist.

The receptionist, a font of knowledge in matters of the supernatural, explained the peculiar phenomenon. "There is a public cemetery near the mansion where you met Wiz. Someone erected an immense barrier around it, causing the spirits to have nowhere to go and settle in that mansion."

Kazuma, sensing a deeper story, pulled Aqua aside with a determined expression. "You know what's going on. Spill it," he demanded, his tone cutting through the ambient chatter.

Aqua, usually bubbly but now looking slightly pale, hesitated before revealing the truth. "Remember how I recently exorcised this cemetery in Wiz's stead? Constantly going there would've been a huge pain, so when we were leaving, I stayed behind and erected this barrier, hoping the spirits would disperse and leave. I... did it." Her eyes flicked nervously towards Sapphire, uncertain of how he would react to her impulsive decision.

Sapphire listened attentively, his expression unreadable as he processed the revelation. The guild hall hummed with a mixture of awe and concern, the weight of their actions settling over them as they navigated the complexities of their supernatural encounters.

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