Cute Lich? (Chapter 12)

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Sapphire hesitated at the threshold of the cemetery, its gate looming like a dark sentinel against the night. The air hung heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by the nervous banter of the group.

"Why did we have to come here at night?" Sapphire's voice betrayed his unease as he scanned the ominous surroundings.

"Well, we would've arrived earlier if SOMEONE hadn't decided to harass Eris cultists and steal bread meant for the needy along the way," Kazuma retorted, shooting a pointed look at Aqua. "And spirits are more active at night, as you can see."

"It's not my fault they can't appreciate a better goddess when they see one! If only they worshipped me properly, we'd have been done before sunset!" Aqua's frustration spilled out in exaggerated gestures.

"Aqua, you can't keep disrespecting Eris-sama like this," Darkness interjected passionately, displaying her Eris pendant.

"Oh, right... you didn't know," Kazuma muttered under his breath, trying to defuse the tension.

"It's okay, Aqua. We know you're not thinking straight," Megumin chimed in, attempting to soothe the escalating emotions.

"I am a real goddess! You have to believe me!" Aqua insisted adamantly.

"Enough talk. Let's focus on the task at hand," Kazuma redirected their attention, ushering them toward the gate.

As they entered the cemetery, Sapphire hesitated, a chill creeping down his spine. Eryn, noticing his reluctance, encouraged him to move forward.

"Sapphire, why are you hesitating? Come on," Eryn urged, her tone gentle yet firm.

"... Technically, I don't have to do anything. It's just Aqua who—" Sapphire began to rationalize.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Eryn interrupted, sensing his apprehension.

"I'm not scared! It's just... it's so dark and eerie," Sapphire protested, his voice faltering slightly.

"Do you want me to hold your hand?" Megumin offered, her concern evident.

"E-Eh?! N-No way! I'm older than you! I should be the one offering!" Sapphire blurted out, trying to save face. "I'm going in. When the ghosts see me, they'll regret ever haunting this place!"

With a forced show of bravery, Sapphire pushed past Megumin and entered the eerie grounds of the cemetery. However, his bravado was short-lived as a sudden rustle in the fog startled him, causing him to stumble and yelp, his fear momentarily overshadowing his earlier bravado.

Sapphire's cry pierced the air as he writhed in Megumin's unexpectedly robust hold, his gaze fixated on a diminutive spirit hovering near a tombstone, a sight that nearly triggered a cardiac episode. Despite the urge to bolt, Megumin's vice-like grip anchored him firmly.

"Shhhh... Calm down, Sapphire... You're safe... That spirit means no harm... Just relax," Eryn cooed in a calming tone, while Megumin had her fingers tenderly caressing his locks.

"Enough! You're bruising my pride! Seeking solace from a younger girl over a mere fright... it's utterly emasculating!" Sapphire exclaimed, wounded pride evident in his voice.

"Quit your fuss! We don't need a repeat of Aqua's antics!" Kazuma interjected sharply, directing his gaze towards the original Aqua. "How much longer for this exorcism?"

Aqua's lips remained sealed, her focus honed on the atmospheric nuances.

"What's on your mind now?" Kazuma inquired, a blend of intrigue and trepidation coloring his words.

Aqua's response came after a pregnant pause, accompanied by a shudder. "Ugh! There's a putrid odor lingering, worse than anything I've encountered! And it's not Kazuma this time... it's something else entirely."

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