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Nico had been given Lou Ellen's room, much to their dismay. He was sat on the plush bed, as he had been for the past four hours since Percy and Annabeth left, wondering how the hell he got himself into this mess.

All signs were pointing to it being entirely Will's fault.

If Will hadn't showed up, Nico wouldn't have had to stupidly kill the Arai that cursed him, he wouldn't have a wound that sent lightning flashes of pain through his body at annoyingly irregular intervals. And if he wasn't cursed with the miserable injury, then he wouldn't have been brought here, to the one place he could never stay.

The fates must be laughing down at him in delight.

Nico pushed around the food on his plate, too miserable to appreciate the Italian cuisine. Persephone had taken to leaving a plate of dinner in the shadows of the Underworld kitchen for him to summon lest he go hungry. Years on the run weren't usually conducive to healthy eating habits, but his step-mother was determined to keep him satiated. Tonight it was Fegato alla Veneziana, likely made by one of the Italian souls that worked in their kitchens, Nico had enjoyed talking to them before he had to flee the Underworld, they were good company.

Gods he was sick of feeling homesick. Sick of missing the Underworld; he would have happily sat through Demeter's cereal lectures if it meant attending a family dinner again. He was sick of missing the Camps, seeing Percy and Annabeth had only strengthened his longing. He missed Hazel, and he dreaded that Will or one of the others would tell her he was here. He couldn't bear seeing her or facing her anger.

A knock on the door stirred him from his thoughts, as Will entered the room stopping a few steps away.

"Where'd you get that?" Nico realised he was looking at the half eaten plate of liver and onion.

"The Underworld."

"You left?"

Nico couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. "If I could leave, I wouldn't still be here."

He ignored the hurt that flashed in the son of Apollo's eyes, better to keep him at a distance. Akhlys would hurt him far worse than Nico ever could.

"Persephone sent it." Nico conceded.



If Nico strained his hearing he could probably hear the crickets in the war games field of Camp Jupiter in the silence that held the room.

Will finally said, "I was going to ask what you wanted for dinner."

"I'm all set," Nico ate another bite just to prove a point before adding, "Thanks though."

"No worries."

Will didn't leave. Which was strange because he had asked what he came to ask, received an appropriate answer, and now would - in Nico's opinion - be the perfect time to depart the already uncomfortable conversation. But instead, Will just stood there, golden hair glistening in the flickering candle light of Lou Ellen's room and stared directly at Nico.

He resisted the urge to squirm, drawling, "Can I help you?"

Will blinked, dispelling whatever he had been thinking about. "I- I just wanted to apologise for earlier, and the distress it caused."

"Don't apologise." Nico growled.

"I didn't know, otherwise-"

"Otherwise you wouldn't have trapped me here?"

"No, you need to heal. I knew you wouldn't stay of your own will." Will crossed his arms, Nico refused to dwell on how it showed off his biceps, keeping his gaze firmly on Will's face. His stupidly handsome face. Shut up, brain!

"Then don't apologise. You won't get my forgiveness." Seriously, this man knew how to push all of Nico's buttons, and his anger was beginning to rise.

"I just-"

"Solace, I don't accept your apology. Nothing you say will change that now. I suggest you leave before I get upset again."

"I don't believe you'd hurt either of us." Will replied. He really thought he still understood Nico, that he hadn't changed in the last five years.

"Really? Because I have a theory that Hecate ward magic is directly linked to the life force of its caster. And if I got desperate enough to leave, I might be inclined to test it out on your roommate." Nico willed menace onto his face, jaw clenched and eyes gleaming. He had worn that mask enough that drawing on it was as easy as breathing. Nico knew it had worked when fear flashed across his ex-boyfriend's face. Fear, shock, horror.

Will said nothing as he left the room, closing the door behind him with a rough tug.

Nico disappeared his plate and fell back onto the bed, a whirlwind of emotions swarming him until he finally fell asleep.


"Are the wards tied to your life force?" Will asked as he entered his own bedroom where Lou Ellen was camped out on the bed. His mind was still reeling, the murderous glint in Nico's eyes, the fact that Persephone was sending him food - since when had she decided against turning him into a plant? - and Will's own life felt like it was falling apart.

"Well, we knew the guy wasn't stupid." Lou Ellen shrugged, "Yeah, I die and the wards fall."


Part of him wanted to believe his soulmate wouldn't kill his roommate, that he was the kind, loyal, misunderstood boy he used to be. But Will couldn't get the look in Nico's eyes out of his head, it was bloodthirsty.

'Hades' kids, their fatal flaw is holding grudges. It's best not to piss them off!' The Stoll brothers had once told Will.

"And if you leave, if you were to stay somewhere else for a month? Would the wards stay in place?"

"You're really worried?" Lou Ellen seemed surprised.

"I don't know him anymore." Will admitted, running a hand over his face, "I don't recognise him."

Lou Ellen nodded, considering. "I can stay with Cecil, the wards will stay active and I can do any maintenance from the building's exterior if need be. Are you sure you want to be left alone here?"

Relief flooded Will, "Yeah I'll be fine."

They studied him for a moment, then conceded. "Okay, I'll call Cecil and check if it's okay with him. And then I'll leave in the morning, I can pack my stuff when he falls asleep."

Will just nodded.

"It'll be okay Will." Lou Ellen patted him on the shoulder as they walked from the room, phone already held to their ear dialling.

Will heard Cecil's cheerful voice in the background as he picked up the call as Lou Ellen walked away.

End Note: Votes and Comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading along <3

Also, comment and tell me your favourite Greek myth if you have one! 

Lastly, check out my other work - 'Dolce Dissonance // 'Sweet' Dissonance' for more Solangelo content!

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