Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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A/N Short chapter sorry, but I hope you like it!

Will was walking aimlessly through the streets of New Rome. He'd contacted his professors at New Rome university, stating he needed the week off to handle a 'family emergency' - it was easier than explaining his ex-boyfriend and soulmate who up and left him five years ago, had returned with a deadly curse and hated his guts. His absence had been approved, which had left him here, wandering the streets avoiding going back to his apartment which now Nico seemed to be trying to convert into a Winter Wonderland with his foul mood.

They were seven days into the curse now and Nico spent his days in Lou Ellen's room emerging only when Will forced him into the living room to be stitched up. Will was grateful for the distance, the two of them could barely go five minutes without angering the other. Nico's skin had taken on a green sheen, and Will suspected that his self-inflicted isolation was partially due to the pain of the poison starting to wear away at him. Will saw the dark circles under his eyes, darker than when he had arrived, and the tremors of his mysterious wings.

If he didn't look dead on his feet, Will would have considered him a fallen angel, the shadow-feathers falling from his back like an imperial cloak.

He used to call Nico 'Angel', for his surname. Will could practically hear the fates laughing down at him at the irony.

Will was deep in his thoughts of those dark wings - definitely not considering what they would feel like to touch - when he ran directly into Hazel Levesque. Zeus have mercy, the fates were having a field day.

"Will!" Hazel exclaimed, "I thought you had classes today?"

Trust Hazel to know his schedule by heart. "My professor is sick so classes were cancelled, I was just headed back home."

The lie made Will's throat close-up, why did Apollo have to be God of Truth? But Hazel didn't seem to notice Will's battle for air, as she smiled. "It must be nice to have a day off, med school keeps you so busy these days, I miss seeing you."

"I miss you too Hazel, how's Camp Jupiter fairing?"

"Not too bad, Frank's got his hands full with a few mischievous probatios. I just finished a painfully long senate meeting." Hazel said, "I'll walk you home, I'd like the chance to catch up."


"That's sweet of you Hazel, but don't let me keep you from your Praetor duties." Will smiled tersely. Gods if she saw Nico, well Will would either be killed by Hazel herself or the wrath of her brother.

"I've got the rest of the afternoon free," Hazel smiled, and Will found himself wishing she wasn't so nice. "What have you been up to lately?"

They started off in the direction of his apartment, where Will prayed Nico was still hidden away in Lou Ellen's room.

Will tried to keep his voice even and friendly as he replied, "I was in New York for a few days, Ma had the last few stops of her tour there so I dropped in to watch her show. Lou Ellen is staying at Cecil's for a while so I've got the apartment to myself"

"Aw that sounds nice, how is Naomi?" Hazel asked.

"Exhausted after tour, I think she's giving herself a few months break to de-stress. She's hoping to write a few more singles now that she's off the road."

"Ah, I can't wait, I've got some of her latest album on my playlist, they always make me smile."

Will smiled at the thought of Hazel singing along to his mother's country accent, reminded of Nico's poor attempts at mimicry when they dated.

"What have you been up to?"

"Our transfers from Camp Half-Blood just finished off their rotation at Camp Jupiter, it was nice to see the familiar orange t-shirts. A couple of Hephaestus kids put our Centurions to the test, and the war games were particularly chaotic." Hazel's smile faded, "Dad cancelled our meeting again, he's closed the Underworld completely now, he won't tell me what's going on but it's really serious."

It couldn't be a coincidence that Nico showed up out of the blue right as the Underworld locked itself down.

"I'm sure it's fine, we haven't had any prophecies so it can't be too serious."

"Yeah, I'm just...worried. Dad's been avoiding meeting with me for five years now, since he disappeared, I just want some answers."

Guilt tore through Will's chest at the words. The two demigods reached the internal stairs of his apartment, Hazel coming to a stop at the top and pulling Will into a short hug.

"It was really nice to see you, Will," She smiled, "We should do it again sometime, don't be a stranger."

Will was about to respond with a brief goodbye and usher the daughter of Pluto down the stairs before she realised who was living with him when a CRASH came from the other side of his door. Followed up by the distinct sound of Italian cursing, "Figlio di puttana-"

Will would bet good money Nico had decided to try shadow-travelling outside of the wards - again - and slammed himself into some poor piece of furniture.

Hazel's eyes flicked to the closed door, and a storm swirled within them.

"I thought you said Lou Ellen was staying with Cecil?" Hazel voiced, walking toward the door.

"They are." Will confirmed.

"Then who, pray tell, is in your apartment right now?" Hazel enunciated. Will winced, hands already up in a placating gesture.

"Will open the door." It was the voice of a Praetor. Mutely, he handed over the keys.

Dead, he was so unbelievably dead.

End Note: YAYYYY Sibling reunion next chapter! How do you think Hazel will react?

Thanks for reading along and a HUGE THANKS to those voting and commenting <3

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