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The front door exploded in a flurry of splinters which Nico blocked with a quickly formed shadow shield.

"Son of Hades, at last." The Arai sneered, its clawed feet scraping the pine floor as it stalked inside.

"Which one are you again?" Nico sassed, Gods he really had been spending too much time near Percy .

"We daughters of Nyx have no name, not one that the mortal tongue could pronounce."

"Umm, okay. What should I call you then?" Nico stalled, "How's Johanna? You look like a Johanna."

The Arai hissed, "Son of Hades, your wit will not save you now. I will bring you to Akhlys and she will reward my sisters and I for my success."

"See I've told Akhlys that I'm not really interested in meeting up, so I'm going to have to pass." Nico shrugged. The Arai cackled and then lunged.

Nico dodged its first clawed swing, swiping his sword in response. The Arai avoid the sweeping attack, circling Nico smugly as if he were just defenceless prey. Nico went on the offensive, attacking with the extra speed and strength that Ares had blessed him with over four years ago. He let the feeling of battle calm settle over him, his senses expanding and mind clearing until his only focus was the monster before him. The Arai fought with claws and teeth and a glowing purple dagger that every part of Nico screamed at him not to touch.

Likely cursed then, Nico predicted, dodging a stab to his thigh and returning with his own thrust at the Arai's torso.

Nico shadow travelled behind the creature, attacking immediately upon landing but the Arai swung around at the last second and parried the attack with its claws.

"Silly demigod, we have fought you for five years now, we have learnt your tricks and return stronger each time."

"Yeah but-" Nico retorted as he attacked again, "-You forget that I've beaten you every time, this time will be no different."

"Ah, but something is different this time." The Arai laughed maniacally, "You are not alone."

Nico watched in horror as that glistening dagger which had been aimed at him was redirected with a flick of its wrist, flying towards Will. The son of Apollo's eyes were glassy and disorientated, probably from the pain in his shoulder. Will tried to move out of the line of fire, but his limbs refused to cooperate. He wouldn't get clear in time.

Nico didn't hesitate, not as he pulled the shadows around him and shadow travelled directly into the path of the flying dagger. He called a wall of solid shadow up to block the weapon, only to hear it shatter like crystal as the dagger slammed into it...and through it. The magic upon the dagger must have made it immune to his shadows.

He only had time to shift his body slightly, the dagger sinking deep into his left arm instead of piercing his heart. Said arm exploded with pain, a burning sensation bringing tears to his eyes.

"So predictable child of Hades." The monster screeched, "Do you give yourself up yet?"

"Never." He spat. Internally he was weighing the merits of pulling the dagger out. If he pulled it out he'd likely only have several minutes before he'd suffer the symptoms of blood loss and eventually pass out which would allow the Arai to transport him to Akhlys undeterred. If he left it in, he left a dangerous weapon with unknown magic inside of his body.

The Arai interrupted his internal debate, attacking him once more. Guess the dagger stays in for now.

He kept up his defence, refusing to allow the Arai any closer to Will's prone figure. The son of Apollo seemed to have become more disorientated and he looked ready to pass out any minute now.

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