Another Broken Promise

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"Annabeth told me about the servitude mark." Hazel was sat at the end of his - Lou Ellen's - bed, fidgeting with the deep purple duvet.

"I know," Nico said softly. Hazel's head shot up in surprise.

Nico explained, "I think Annabeth wanted me to hear her plan. She practically announced to the whole building which café you were going to, and picked the one table in the whole establishment that was shaded. I think she knows, or at least suspects, that I can move my consciousness through shadows and spy."

"Why am I not surprised?" Hazel laughed, forever amazed at the daughter of Athena's schemes and Nico's new abilities.

"Can I see it?" Hazel gestured to his sleeve covered arm.

Nico nodded grimly, pushing up his right sleeve, the golden tattoo glittering in the morning and flickering candle light. Lou Ellen must have enchanted the candles to burn infinitely without ever melting the wax or burning away the wick because Nico had never needed to reignite the flames.

Hazel touched a hand to the servitude tattoo, gently tracing the outline of the winding serpent.

"I don't understand." Hazel met his eyes, those honey-brown irises pleading.

"I know." Nico took her hand, drawing circles on her palm.

"You won't tell me, will you?"

Nico couldn't lie to her, "No, I'm sorry."

I did it to save myself.I did it to save you.

"I hope it was worth it."

Nico stared at his beautiful sister, at the kind and generous soul who had taken her second chance at life with both hands and lived it to her fullest.

He smiled, "It was."

Because Nico would do everything the same, repeat every choice, relive every memory and trauma for her. For Will. For his friends.

"Swear you'll come back to me." Her tears fell on the skin where their hands joined.

"I swear on the Styx, Hazel Levesque, we will see each other again." He said without hesitation, placing a hand lightly on her check and wiping away her tears. When Akhlys was gone, Nico would find his sister again.

She smiled sadly at him, and the expression didn't suit her at all. "You have five days."

"Five days." He confirmed, more to reassure himself. Five days till he would leave and Hazel and New Rome would be safe.

"You should talk to Will."

"I can't tell him Hazel, he'd never understand. And I can't give him the answers he wants."

"I know. But tell him something. Don't waste the time you've been given here. He loves you, Nico. He never stopped loving you."

It was Hazel's turn to catch his tears as he whispered, "I love him too"

The admission carved him in two.

Hazel pulled him into a hug as he cried. He locked her lingering cinnamon scent and soothing voice, into a box in his mind; 'Memories of love' he'd name it.

He might have decided to stay there forever with Hazel, to forget Annabeth's plan and the world outside of that singular moment. Then the scout's horns blared throughout the city.

"Monster attack!" Hazel jolted, pulling away and the world came crashing back.

Akhlys. Cursed. Blood-sworn. Trapped. Everyone was at risk. Liar. Manipulator. Monster.

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