Sibling Quarrels

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The key turned in the lock with a thunk, the door swung open, and a pissed off Hazel stormed into the room.

Nico was standing holding a fallen lamp - he must have knocked it over in his attempted escape - and was in the process of picking it up. But at the noise his battle reflexes overtook him, his wings flared out almost to full size, he bent to a crouch and a black dagger appeared in his hand.

Then he realised who exactly had caused the commotion and the dagger disappeared, though he remained in the low fighting stance, eyeing his sister warily. Hazel had stopped for a moment, likely taken aback by the appearance of wings on her half-brother, but she recovered quickly.

"Nico di Angelo, where in Hades name have you been for the past five years!" Each word was shrill with anger. Nico winced, backing away as Hazel strode towards him with fury in her eyes.

With a wave of her hand a glittering pillar of diamond skewered the floor of his apartment, driving up through the wooden planks and blocking the hallway Nico had been backing towards. "Don't even think about leaving."

Will couldn't help but think of the earful his landlord was going to give him for the damage. He'd have to ask Praetor Levesque to sort that one out.

Nico backed up into the wall of riches, and Will was certain his lips pulled upwards into a small smirk as he went fully incorporeal and phased through the barrier. Hazel sputtered, whirling towards Will, who just shrugged desperately trying to hold back his chuckle, "He does that sometimes."

She growled, waving her hand again and the diamond pillar retracted, leaving a large crack in the floor, looking down to the apartment below, and revealing - in the place Nico should have been standing - a small skeletal kitten meowing up at Hazel.

Will couldn't stop the laughter this time, watching as the bony kitten rubbed itself up against Hazel's leg with a purr. Then, the faint click of the bathroom lock turning.

"Di Angelo, get out here right now!"

"Hazel, we can talk about this." Was the muffled reply.

"We are way past talking, young man."

"I have literally lived longer than you, don't call me 'young man'!" Nico called exasperatedly.

"I will melt this lock if I have to Di Angelo, don't think I won't get in there."

Will hoped Nico would open the door and avoid further property damage but he wasn't surprised when the door remained locked.

There was a low pinging noise and then Nico was talking again, ignoring Hazel entirely. "Hey, Annabeth? We've got a problem."

"Annabeth?!" Hazel was screaming again.

"Hey Hazel, why don't you take a breath and maybe Nico will explain." Will placated. A mistake on reflection because she had forgotten his presence and now her rage was fully directed at him. She stalked towards him, her own Stygian blade in hand trembling with frustration.

Will's breath caught at the violence shining in her eyes. This was the woman that searched for her brother for two whole years, only returning when her Praetorship was threatened and she had a responsibility to New Rome. This was the woman who knew he wasn't dead despite everyone telling her otherwise, and it hurt more because he had left her behind. And now, her brother had seemingly been hiding from her, right in New Rome and that hurt and pain and betrayal was dredged back up again.

"Hazel, I need you to take a deep breath for me. Put the dagger down, okay?" Will pleaded, keeping his hands visible, trying to communicate he wasn't a threat to her. Will took a step back, planting his feet right in the shadow of the kitchen bench, the only defence he had. Not a good sign, since his only hope of rescue hated Will too.

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