Lucky - Racetrack Higgins

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A/N Race fluff requested by FansieTribute (i fixed it sorry)

Lucky's POV:

Ah shit

Oh! You're probably wondering what is happening right now. Well lets just say, the Delancy Brothers. But I'll get back to that.

I'm Lucky Kelly, Jack Kelly's younger sister. It's true, after the strike he settled down with Katherine and retired from the Newsies. But when he retired, I started.

Snyder was locked away, and that was one of the reasons Jack let me start to sell. The other one being that he could trust the boys with me. Lots of people who hear the story of the singing/dancing newsboys of 1899 assume that Davey Jacobs was Jack's second in command. WELL GUESS WHAT THATS FALSE. The real second in command was Racetrack Higgins. Now he's our leader, and I'm the second.

Okay, so maybe the fact that I am Jack's sister is fake. I'm his ADOPTED sister. Who adopted me you might ask? Jack. Jack adopted me as his sister. How, you may ask? Well let me tell you...


Thats all I could do. Run.

I spoke no English, and I didn't know where I was.

Being pushed onto a boat, then pushed off, then shoved into the street, it's safe to say I couldn't go anywhere. 

"Aiuto! Per favore a chiunque!" (this is google translated, please don't come after me) I mentally slapped myself for yelling out in Italian. On the boat, I was able to learn bits and pieces of english, since the boat was apparantly headed for New York.

"Hey, HEY, little goil. Follow me!"  a boy with a bright blue shirt yelled towards me.

Looking back at it, following him was quite stupid, but it was the best I could do at the moment.

"Ey, I'm Jack, and I'se help you okay?" He was making movements with his hands to signal that he was going to help me. We walked in silence to a building. I found out later that it was the Newsboys Lodging House, but seven year old me just saw it as a place to stay, and be safe.

"HEY RACE, YA HERE?" The boy yelled into the house to literally no one. I was beginning to think that he was crazy.

"YEA WHAT YOU NEED?" A boy yelled back. How did I know it was a boy? Well, his voice cracked, and he showed up on the stairs five seconds later. He had blonde hair, with the most vibrant blue eyes.

"I need ya to talk to this goil for me, I'se pretty sure she speaks Italian, since she sounds like youse when we found youse."

"Ehi, come ti chiami?" The boy asked me. He looked a bit older than me, maybe nine?

"Felice, Qual è il tuo?" Maybe being able to speak in my mother tongue with someone else wouldn't be that bad.

"Antonio, Ma puoi chiamarmi Race. Parla inglese?"

I shook my head yes. 


"Hey Jack, she ain't gonna speak english when youse yellin like that!"

"Oh, sorry."

"Here, I'se help youse around, follow me."

I took his hand, and the rest was history

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