Red Dot Day - Ben Cook

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A/N: y'all once again, thank you for 300+, I'd just like to say, that in less than ONE DAY, this story has gone from 309, to 353 reads. that's 44 reads in LESS THAN ONE DAY! enjoy, and thank you all so much!!!

Goodness fricking gracious. This past weekend was shitty, and this week has started off shitty too.

Saturday, Ben and I went on a walk with Hammer in Central Park. Well, the dog got loose, and after 3 hours, and 5 breakdowns, we found him by a nut stand. Obviously, when you chase down a dog in the middle of the crowded NYC streets, you tend to get tired. So, we decided to sleep late into Sunday morning. 

Sunday was, chaotic. I had major mood swings, and didn't wan't to talk with Ben because of them, while all he wanted were cuddles. 

"Carolineeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Can we pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cuddle." I looked up to see my boyfriends bright blue eyes right in my face. 

"Ben, I already told you, not today. I'm really tired." I was starting to get annoyed at him. For any specific reason, nope. Just annoyed.


It got to the point that I got so annoyed at him, I grabbed a pillow, wrote my name on a sticky note, stuck it on the pillow and threw it at him. 

He then got the hint that I wanted alone time, after I locked myself in our bedroom. Huddled in one of his sweatshirts, I turned on a show on my laptop. I heard him leave the apartment, and come back half an hour later. I could her him microwaving something in the microwave, and five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hey babe, I know you want some alone time right now, but I made some instant ramen. Do you wanna come out here to eat, or eat in there?" I opened the door to see him leaning on the doorframe. 

"I'll eat out here with you, but I think I wanna sleep by myself tonight, is that alright?" In all honesty, I knew that my period was due any day, and I didn't want him to experience the loveliness called blood soaked sheets.

"Of course babe, wanna watch some TV?" I smiled, as crazy as my mood swings got, he was such a good boyfriend, and always understood.

We stayed up watching the animated Lion King movie, and shared one last kiss before getting ready for bed. I went to our bedroom, and he went into the guest room.

I woke up late on Monday morning, to blood soaked sheets. Called it.

I went to the bathroom, and put in a tampon, before heading back to the bedroom, where I gathered up the sheets and put them in a laundry bag. I put a red dot on the calendar to help track my periods, and wrote a quick sticky note to Ben telling him I was going to do some laundry, and headed out. 

I came back an hour later, with clean sheets and a coffee from Starbucks. I was smacked with the smell of chocolate, and the not-so-quiet whispers of Ben, and I'm assuming Josh. 

I turned the corner to see Josh blocking the entrance to our kitchen. 

"Josh. Move." He shook his head like a toddler that didn't want to go to bed.

"Joshua. Micheal. Burrage. Move. Now."

He reluctantly moved, and I walked over to the chocolate smell in the kitchen. I saw Ben standing foolishly next to a pan. I looked into the pan to see a brownie with writing in red frosting.

"Happy Red Dot Day?" I read off the brownie, and looked up at Ben with a confused look. 

"Every month, you always put a red dot on the calendar, around this time, and you always get so upset, so I figured it might be your period, but most girls don't like to talk about their periods like that, because they find it embarrasing, but they shouldn't because it's a natural occurence for all women, but anyway, Josh and I made you a brownie, since Emma told me that lots of girls like chocolate, and you said that you liked this brand of brownie in a box, so I bought it yesterday, and I invited Josh over because I can't bake, and we made this red frosting for the brownie, and we called it Red Dot Day to sort of mask the period part, and I already said that..."

"Ben." I cut off his rant. I'll be honest, I let it go on longer since I found it kind of cute. "It's perfect." He sighed, and pointed over to the counter.

"I got a couple of other things, like some tampons and pads, I didn't know which one you use, Ibuprofen for cramps, along with a hot water bottle, and individually wrapped chocolates..." I interuppted him again, this time with a kiss. It lasted for however long it did before we were cut off by Josh being Josh.

"I'll just see myself out, cool. Use protection!" I turned to see Josh walking out of our apartment, waving goodbye to Hammer. I could hear Ben chuckle as he turned back to me.

"So, do you want some of the brownie?" I laughed, as I reached to grab a piece of the brownie. Chewing it slowly, I glanced up at Ben, who was looking at me like a kid watching his parents eat something he made for them.

"It's delicious Ben. Do you want some?" 

"Sure." He leaned in, and kissed me again. The kiss lasted longer than the last, since there was no Josh around, and there may have been some tounge used. We broke the kiss to breathe for a second, our foreheads resting against each others. "The brownie tastes good."

I laughed, as we began kissing again. We ended up on the couch, cuddling with each other. 

"Oh shit, it's been four hours. I'll be right back." I got up, and headed to the bathroom to change out my tampon. When I got back, I saw Ben opening up Disney+. "Sorry, I forgot I'm still on my period." I laughed as I sat down next to Ben. Hammer jumped up onto my lap, as Ben's arm made it's way around my waist. 

"Did the brownie help?" I nodded my head, as I snuggled into Ben's chest while he turned on Aladdin. "Good. Expect that every month from here on out."

I gasped, "Benjamin! You don't need to do that!" He glanced over at me, with those beautiful blue eyes.

"If it makes you happy, I'm going to do it." I smiled as I placed a kiss on his cheek, and turned to the movie, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Caroline."

"I love you too Ben."

A/N: agoihglwehtop8syglbfgsdogyp'e

I'm still in shock that this book quite literally got 49 more reads in less than 24 hours. like, y'all are amazing. this is amazing, like y'all are amazing. hope y'all are enjoying the book so far!


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