Why are you so fucking tall? - Iain Young

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Eloise's POV (I'm running out of names, so I've resorted to googling):

Don't get me wrong, I love playing games. But playing games at 11:00pm with the Newsies National Tour cast got me into quite a pickle. See, everyone has their secrets, and mine was that I secretly was in a showmance. I know. Such a big secret. But it's true, I was the female swing in Newsies on Tour, and my amazing boyfriend Iain, played Finch. The only thing was, we still hadn't announced our relationship to the rest of the cast, that is until the fateful game of Truth or Dare. 


"Elsie! It's your turn! Truth or Dare?" Josh's voice clearly rang out above the noise the rest of the cast *cough* Ben, DeMarius, and Sky *cough* was making. It had been a travel day, and everyone in the room had, at some point, consumed a Red Bull during the day, leading to the insane amount of energy in the room. It was a nice tradition that we called "Travel Day Truth or Dare" or "TDTD."

I made the stupid decision to go with a dare. Why not be a little risky? "Dare." I announced with the most confidence I had ever heard come out of my mouth. If only I knew, taking a dare from Joshua Burrage with the help of the other musketeers (Ben and Sky), would not be as simple as I thought it was.

Josh seemed taken aback, not expecting that answer. He turned to Sky and Ben, as they sent not-so-subtle glances between Iain and I. "Alright, you're dare is to touch the top of Iain's head," I sighed with relief, it was a simple enough dare. "while he's standing up." Josh finished his statement.

Well, that changed everything. If you don't know, Iain is a fairly tall human being. Me on the other hand, am a relatively small human being. To give you a visual, I'm shorter than Tommy Bracco. Does that help?

Sighing, I walked over to Iain as he stood up from the ground. He had a tank-top on, with one of his many hats over his messy curly hair. Adjusting his glasses, he gave me a smile that read Sorry in advance for laughing at your attempts for this dare. At least that's what I think it said.

Already on my toes, I muttered under my breath, "Why are you so fucking tall?"

Apparently, not as quiet as I thought I said it, since half the room exploded into laughter. Stephanie grasping onto a pillow as if it were her lifeline, and Chaz sprawled out on the bed laughing into the sheets. Ben, Josh, Sky, and Nick had all formed a dogpile on the floor and were gasping for air, while DeMarius was shaking his camera due to his laughter. Iain and I were by the window, and I could see Iain's shoulders moving up and down as he not-so-silently laughed along. I couldn't help but chuckle at the little family spread out in one little hotel room. 

Then, an idea hit me. Since we were in Steph and I's hotel room, I dodged the pile of Newsies on my floor and opened up my theatre bag. Pulling out my pointe shoes, I put them on as I accumulated the stares of half a dozen Newsies and 1 Pul-Plumber. Hobbling back over to Iain, I stood up on pointe, but the RedBull crash got the better of me. I toppled over, and Iain caught me in his arms.

His left hand grabbed my waist, as my breath hitched. On instinct, I grabbed onto Iain's neck as my head dipped back to form an arch shape with my body. His hand still firmly placed on my waist, I stared up into his eyes. Well that was a mistake, since I got lost in his eyes. Despite our otherwise awkward position, I could see the reassurance in his eyes telling me that through any fall, trip, or stumble; he'd be there to catch me.

"They're gonna kiss, aren't they."

"Shut up Josh."

In a brutal snap to reality, I glanced up to find that Iain's face was incredibly close to mine. Without thinking twice, I found my lips on his as we kissed, unaware of the 7 other people in the room, hooting and hollering. 

"Oh yeah we're dating," Iain announced as we broke apart from the kiss. "and I'm loving every second of it." He finished his sentence as he looked back at me. I smiled and sat down on the nearest bed, politely shoving Chaz off the bed. 

As the game continued, Iain and I sat on the edge of the bed, with our hands intertwined. I leaned my head onto the side of his arm. "Geez, you're so tall I can't even lean against your shoulder." 

Laughing softly, he leaned down to kiss the top of my head and replied, "Do you want to grab your pointes?" 

"Shut up smartass." I leaned up to kiss him, and his lips met mine 3/4 of the way. (Still short mind you.) Looking out the hotel window, I saw the stars in the sky, and sighed in content. I was living the dream, and I had the best boyfriend to live through it with me.

Word Count: 857

A/N: short and sweet was this.

because of writers block was this.

quite literally, this is the first idea i've had in like, a long time. i'm slowly starting to gravitate towards more Iain one-shots, since i'm planning a whole ass fic for him (you'll find out more about that later) but NEVER FEAR. my love for the three musketeers still remains, and more fics based on them shall be on the way. as well as the newsies.

until then, well, idk. i'll figure that part out later.

A/N pt. 2: okay so I came back and edited it, since I put in a picture due to writers block, and it was bugging me.


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