Running Home to You - Iain Young

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A/N: so, i was rewatching the flash musical episode, and OH MY GOSH I FORGOT THIS SONG.

the song is called Running Home to You, and while I can't put in any links to it right now (I'm on my ipad, since my computer is being stupid right now) i'll give you time to go look up the song. just type in google "running home to you grant gustin" and something will pop up.


okay, all good now? good.

this is an Iain Young oneshot. bet you didn't see that coming 👀 (i mean it was in the title, but whatever)

but, Iain is one of the only other people besides Grant Gustin that i can imagine singing this song.

and also he's cute. and can play the guitar. and he's cute.

okay enjoy!

Clara's POV:

Where could he be? This isn't like Iain at all. 

Iain left our apartment this morning, at some ungodly hour, and he still hasn't returned yet. I've called Ben, Josh, Demarius, Anthony... all of them, and none of them knew where he was. Well that's what they all said, and I know for a fact Josh was lying. He's always been a bad secret keeper. 

I sat on the couch, fiddling with my thumbs, thinking of all the possible scenarios that could've happened. Curse overthinking. Suddenly, the door opened, and Iain walked in.

"Iain! Where have you been?!" He looked at me, with a different look that he had ever given me before. It wasn't lust, yet he needed me. He looked tired, yet his eyes were full of energy. And through his eyes, I could see his heart full of love. (oh not Les Mis)

"Come with me." (where it's clean and green and pretty)

He led me to the bedroom, and sat me down on the bed. 

"Before you ask anything, I was in New Jersey. I caught a train, and had to meet with someone there. Then I had some errands to run before I came back." He signaled to the box by the door. "If you want, you can open the box."

I walked over to the box, and brought it back to the bed, where Iain had stayed. Upon opening the box, I saw hundreds of thousands of pictures of us together, from Newsies on Tour, to Mean Girls on Broadway, to more recent pictures of us in Hadestown. Shifting through the pictures, I found a note taped to the bottom of the box. 

Go find my guitar.

Iain nodded towards the guitar stand. Getting up to grab the guitar, I found a small note on the back of it. How I never noticed this note, I don't know.

Bring me my guitar. Please.

I looked up at him with a look of "are you kidding me right now?" All he did was point towards the guitar. I gave in, and brought the guitar to him.

"Thank you. Now all I ask of you now is to just sit, and listen. Can you do that for me?" I nodded, at this point I was quite curious about what he was doing

He started to strum the guitar, and began to sing.

Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold
But, I want you in it
Every hour, every minute

I started to get teary eyed. This song was so beautiful, the way the lyrics and the music melted together. The fact that Iain was singing it made it even more beautiful.

This world can race by far too fast
Hard to see while it's all flying past
But, it's clear now,
When you're standing here now
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me

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