Chapter 1

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The alarm from Moegi's phone rang through her bedroom, and she quickly snatched it off her nightstand to turn it off. She had been awake for hours, just laying in bed trying to contain her excitement. She threw her quilt off and swung her legs over the side of the bed, feet planting to the floor with a thump, and walked quickly to her closet to grab her uniform. Today was her first day attending the prestigious UA, Japan's top hero school, in their General Studies course. Many of her friends tried to get into the hero track and were surprised that she didn't want to. Moegi knew her quirk wouldn't be compatible with the entrance exam. She didn't care though, she was just thrilled to be getting the best education and, hopefully, getting to spend time with some of the students who were destined to become heroes.

She quickly dressed and removed the tattered gloves she had worn to sleep, replacing them with a new pair. The palms of her old pair were starting to wear out and the edges of the fingers where she cut them were fraying. As she pulled on the new gloves, she felt her lamprey mouths pulse as they tried to grab onto the stiff leather. When they seemed to realize they weren't making contact with skin, they ceased.

You guys really have a mind of your own.

Moegi made her way to the bathroom. She brushed out her bedhead and fixed her bangs, then grabbed her pink toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. She squeezed a small amount onto the bristles and began gently scrubbing all her teeth, trying her best to maneuver around all the sharp edges. Once she was finished, she inspected herself in the mirror, making sure she looked as presentable as possible. Her bright yellow eyes looked back at her, and she sighed, smiling. Moegi hated the way she looked growing up. Even in a world with quirks, she drew stares on the street. Not a lot of people were green, or had big, pointed ears. Sometimes she would try to smile at people, but her sharky grin often made them more uncomfortable. Now though, she had finally grown into her skin and felt comfortable with it. She looked different, but she knew "different" wasn't a bad thing. Truthfully, it took her longer to be content with her quirk than her face. As a child, she wished she could become a hero, but her quirk can only hurt people, and heroes don't hurt people.

She spun towards the bathroom door and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Her parents had already left for the day. She rarely saw them during the week due to their work schedules and expected that it would be even less now that she was attending UA. Thankfully, they left some coffee in the pot for her. She grabbed a mug and poured some, breathing in the strong scent before guzzling it. She rinsed the mug and left it in the sink, grabbed her bag and made her way to the front door. She put on her new shoes and stepped out, admiring the beautiful weather as she locked the door behind her, then began her walk to the train station.

Today is going to be wonderful.

A/N: This was short, just to get myself started. Let me know what you think.

I have the first 4 chapters written but am editing/rewriting some of 3 and all of 4, as well as starting 5.


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