Chapter 15

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Once the final bell for the day rang, Moegi and Shinso packed up their belongings into their bags and made their way out of the classroom. They were heading to the training gym to meet up with the hero students. When they arrived, they were surprised to see it wasn't just the group she normally sat with. Several other students who Moegi didn't recognize were gathered around, dressed in their hero costumes. They all turned to look at the pair as they entered, all eyes falling on the green girl, expressions mixed among the group. Sero broke away from the group to approach her. "Hey! Oh, hey you brought Shinso too. Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

She nervously followed him towards the group, her dark nails digging into her palms as her arms hung rigid at her sides. She wanted to look them over and see their costumes better, but she wanted to avoid any eye contact, so she kept her gaze low, occasionally glancing up at Mina, Kamanari, and Kirishima for comfort. They all gave her reassuring smiles, Kamanari especially looking excited.

"Everyone," Sero began, "this is Moegi Kiashio. A lot of you have probably heard us mention her before, but she's in the General Studies class."

Nervously, she lifted her gloved hand and offered a small wave. Suddenly, everyone seemed to be shouting over each other, asking her questions, and commenting on her appearance. Her eyes popped open in shock as she tried to take it all in.

"What's with the gloves?" a voice came from a floating pair of gloves and boots.

"She's kinda weird looking, in a hot way..." a short boy with purple... hair?

A freckled boy with green hair approached her, notebook in hand. "Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya. Can I ask you some questions about your quirk?" Moegi smiled nervously at him, scared to speak while everyone was still chattering, and looked over his shoulder to see a perky brunette girl right behind him, giving a friendly smile.

"Hey!" Sero interrupted everyone, demanding silence. "Save your questions, and your... comments, Mineta" he glared at the little purple boy. "Moegi," he turned to look at her. "Why don't you just real quick explain your quirk to them."

Smiling softly at Sero, she nodded and cleared her throat to address the other students. "Umm... like he said, I'm Moegi Kiashio and I'm in General Studies. My... my quirk is called Lamprey." She removed a glove, showing her exposed palm to the group. A mix of reactions came from them, some gasping, one or two making squeamish sounds, and mostly questioning whispers. "My palms have these lamprey mouths on them... if they bite you, it hurts... a lot. And it's hard to get them off. I can basically absorb your energy with them. It can make you pass out, or even... die." She gulped on that last word. "But that's what the gloves are for." She smiled a bit, looking over at Sero, who stood at her side much closer than she had expected.

He smiled back at her. "And that's not all," he turned back to his classmates. "Over the weekend we discovered that my tape does not stick to her skin, so I wanted to do some... experiments. Mineta, can you come try to stick a ball to her arm?" He then looked back at Moegi, "is that okay?"

Moegi raised her eyebrows, surprised. "Stick a... ball... to me?" She looked over at Mineta, knitting her brows together in confusion. She trusted Sero, however, and knew this entire group of students wouldn't stand by and let something bad happen to her. "I guess so?"

Mineta approached, reaching up to his head and plucking a ball off. Almost instantly, a new one sprouted in its place. He wiggled his eyebrows at her, smirking. "You ready?"

She looked at him with her face beginning to twist in disgust. Not from his quirk, but from the way he tried to make his tone almost seductive. "Uhm... sure..." What a weirdo, and he's in the hero course? She removed her uniform jacket and rolled up her sleeve, holding out her arm for him.

**ON HOLD** Soft/Sharp (Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now