Chapter 8

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The conversation and laughter paired with delicious curry helped Moegi to relax a bit. She stopped thinking about how she looked, she was just comfortable in the presence of friends. Even Bakugo, as his grumpy attitude was actually very entertaining when directed at someone else. She never had an experience like this before and wanted the day to never end.

Once they all finished and paid the check, they made their way out the door. Moegi walked with Kirishima as they talked about their meals. Both had opted for beef with their curry, as they loved red meat. Suddenly, Sero was at her other side, throwing an arm around her shoulders and diverting her into a new conversation. Neither of them noticed how Kirishima's smile fell from his face in that moment, or how he looked at the ground with his brows knit together in frustration at the sound of her laughing at Sero's jokes.

As they continued their conversation, Kamanari moved away from Mina to talk to Kirishima. "Hey man, you good?" He was careful to be quiet so he didn't draw attention.

Kirishima looked up and forced a smile. "Yeah, just deep in thought for a second." He ignored the way Kamanari side eyed him suspiciously after taking a peek at Moegi and Sero talking just a couple feet away.

They were heading to the arcade, but Mina saw a shop she wanted to go into. She demanded the boys wait outside before grabbing Moegi and dragging her inside. Bakugo rolled his eyes before leaning against the building and pulling out his phone to scroll through. The other three boys watched the girls walk into the store, all with different expressions on their faces.

"So," Kamanari turned to look at his friends. "Sero, you looked... cozy with Kiashio there."

Sero blushed, stammering his response, "w-what? No, we were just talking!" He waved his arms around defensively. "I mean, yeah, she looks nice today and all, but I barely know her. Oh man, do you think I made her uncomfortable?"

Kamanari put a hand on his shoulder. "Nah, I'm sure it was fine. I just wanted to see how you reacted to being called out." He smirked evilly at the black haired boy, who was now red as a tomato.

"Stop, dude! I don't want her to come out here and see me sweating like this."

Kirishima frowned, looking down at the ground again. He looked back up when he heard Bakugo's gruff voice. "Gross, dude. Her? Seriously?"

Before Sero could say anything, Kirishima spoke up. "Dude, don't be a dick. Just cause she's not your type..." He looked back at the ground, trying to hide his aggravation.

"Ugh, you too? What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Bakugo's face was twisted in disgust, but he hadn't looked up from his phone.

"I dunno," Kamanari said, one hand on his hip and the other on his chin. "We're basically hanging out with two hot alien chicks right now. It's kinda every nerd guys' dream." Sero nodded in agreement.

"Commenting on their appearances like this is not very manly," Kirishima interjected. "They didn't come out to be ogled and rated by us." He now had a hint of blush to his cheeks.

The door of the shop opened and they all silenced immediately. Mina and Moegi sauntered out, giggling together and holding small bags. Without a word to any of the boys, they continued their walk in the direction of the arcade. Bakugo pushed off the wall and followed, and Kamanari excitedly jogged up to meet them. Kirishima and Sero both hesitated, looking at each other and awkwardly trying to stay out of each other's way as they followed.

They arrived at the arcade, and Moegi's yellow eyes widened in awe. The sounds of games and people chattering filled the air, and the various flashing lights from all directions danced in her eyes. She was surrounded by various arcade cabinets, claw games with plush toys for prizes, and even saw a photo booth off to one side. Her mouth hung open, showing just a hint of her pointed front teeth. She was mesmerized. Blinking and bringing herself back to reality, she turned towards the group. Mina, Kirishima, and Sero were all smiling at her. They had seen her dumb face just now. She nervously smiled at them. "I've never... been anywhere like this before. Sorry, that was goofy of me to make that face." Her gloved hand reached up to the back of her head, rubbing nervously.

**ON HOLD** Soft/Sharp (Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now