Chapter 6

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Once they arrived to the Kiashio residence, Moegi led Mina to her room to let her dig through the closet. She quickly changed out of her uniform into black sweatpants and a white tee. She looked around for her sneakers, finding them under her bed. She nearly smacked her forehead into the bedframe when Mina shouted, startling her.

"Oh my gooooodness, this is so cute. You have to wear this tomorrow!" Mina held up a yellow chiffon dress with off the shoulder sleeves. The length made it fall right above the knees. The color almost perfectly matched Moegi's golden eyes.

Moegi smiled softly at it. She loved that dress, and had always wanted an excuse to wear it. But then she frowned, tilting her head to the side. "You don't think that's a bit much for curry and the arcade?"

Mina returned the frown. "What? No way, I always dress up when I go out. Besides, I have big plans for your hair and makeup, so the outfit has to match that."

Extending her gloved hand, Moegi took the dress from the pink girl. She folded it neatly before putting it into her bag. "What about shoes?"

Mina tapped her chin, thinking intently as her mind ran through all the possibilities. "We want you to be comfortable walking and standing. I guess we can go a little more casual. Oh, I got it! I have a pair you can wear."

Moegi nodded before heading to the bathroom for her toothbrush. She packed her phone charger, some underwear, and a few more personal items into a bag. They headed back downstairs towards the kitchen, and Moegi collected the cash she knew would be on the table for her dinner. Every night this week, she pocketed what her parents left her and scrounged up whatever they had available. It left a lot to be desired, but she kept reminding herself that the week of random snacking was worth getting to enjoy her weekend. She left her parents a quick note explaining that she was going to be at Mina's.

"Why not just text?"

"I guess we're just used to doing it this way, but they'll call me if they need anything."

Mina nodded, and they headed for the door. Moegi made sure to lock it behind them. They chatted away, mostly Mina, the entire walk to the train station and all the way to Mina's house. They had dinner with her parents and brothers before locking themselves away in her room. The pink girl put on some music and finally changed from her uniform into pajama pants and a baggy tee. Mina opened her closet, rummaging around for the shoes she had mentioned before. When she pulled them out, she was met with her friend's pointy smile. It was a pair of sandals, with black straps that wove around the foot and ankle. She then went to her dresser and produced a delicate black choker with a small star charm hanging in the center.

"I cannot wait to do your hair and makeup tomorrow, I have a vision in my head and it's going to be perfect."

If Moegi could blush, she would. She never had a close friend before, let alone a girl who was willing to dote on her and try to make her feel pretty for once. She enjoyed the attention. "I'm excited too. I've never really done my hair or makeup before."

"Really? I mean for school I usually just wear mascara. But you have such long, pretty hair. You can probably do so much with it." Mina ran her pink fingers through Moegi's raven hair while she talked.

After a while of chatting with snacks and movies, they decided to turn in. Mina made a makeshift bed on the floor for her guest before laying in her own. She drifted off pretty quickly, leaving Moegi to stare alone in the dark. She tried to sleep, but she was too excited for their Saturday plans. Excited to be made up like a normal teen girl and spend time with friends, including boys. After a while of listening to Mina's snoring, she gave up and pulled out her phone. She hadn't noticed she missed a text only a few minutes ago. It was from Kirishima. Her heart raced, but she was afraid to open it.

What's your problem, Mo? Just read it!

She slowly reached her finger to the screen, tapping in her code to unlock it, and pressed on the notification.

Kirishima: Hey, you excited for tomorrow?

Kiashio: Hey! Yeah, I'm looking forward to it :)

He replied almost immediately.

Kirishima: Just a warning, Bakubro is competitive. Don't challenge him to any games unless you know you're really good at them lol

Moegi frowned a bit at that message. He always seemed to want to talk about their friends. He was just very friendly, with everyone. Just like Mina. It was no wonder they talked to her, they were nice people. Nothing more. But, she wanted to keep talking to him anyway, so she forced down her disappointment and tried to make polite conversation.

Kiashio: I've never been to an arcade before, so I have no idea how to play any of the games there lol

Kirishima: WHAT! Unacceptable.

Kirishima: I'll teach you, I'm pretty okay at racing games

Kirishima: Aaaaaand we'll def keep you away from Bakubro then, he'll destroy you and it wouldn't be very manly of me to let that happen

Kiashio: lol yeah... I doubt he'd want to play with me anyway

Kirishima: why not?

Kiashio: he's not exactly the president of my fan club

Kirishima: lol

Kirishima: he's a grump, but he comes around eventually

Kiashio: I'll take your word for it. What other games are there?

They ended up texting back and forth for a while until he abruptly stopped. He must've fallen asleep. Not wanting to leave him too many messages to wake up to, she tucked her phone under her pillow and sighed. Eventually, the sound of Mina's snoring lulled her into a dreamless sleep.

**ON HOLD** Soft/Sharp (Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now