Chapter 13

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A/N: silly lil baby chapter because I'm about to go to bed and didn't want to get too deep into the next big thing I have planned until I get home from school tomorrow

After a few texts back and forth with Sero throughout the rest of the day, Moegi realized she should probably tell Mina the news. She pulled up Mina's contact and began messaging her, quickly stunned by how fast Mina replied. She seemed to always have her phone in her hand, ready to go.

Kiashio: guess what happened today

Mina: ??

Kiashio: I got asked out

Mina: OMG

Mina: who??

Mina: please don't say Denki I stg

Kiashio: lol nooooo he would never

Mina: ok who don't keep me in suspense!!!!!

Kiashio: Sero

Mina: no way

Mina: seriously?

Kiashio: is it a bad thing?

Mina: no! omg no not at all

Mina: just surprising, a little. I didn't even notice him acting like he liked you more than as a friend

Kiashio: that's what I thought too but idk maybe I'm just bad at picking up on these things?

Mina: well

Mina: it's cute. I'm happy for you guys. And it makes sense now that he asked a bunch of us to meet you guys at the training gym tomorrow after school

Moegi realized this was her opportunity to find out what Sero was planning. She wasn't sure if she should ask outright or try to coax the information out of her friend. Mina did seem to enjoy sharing everything she heard. Before Moegi could decide on an approach though, Mina sent another text.

Mina: he said it was a secret though and not to tell you anything :P

Moegi's yellow eyes rolled aggressively before she set her thumbs loose on her phone, pounding out an annoyed message.

Kiashio: come onnnnn please??

Mina: good night babe!

Moegi huffed, shutting her phone screen off and tossing it gently onto the nightstand. She bundled herself in the blanket, ready to sleep. It was still somewhat early, not even 8pm, but she wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. When she closed her eyes, her mind went to Sero, and she smiled to herself. Then he was pushed away, and she pictured Kirishima's red eyes and pointy smile. Her brows furrowed as she brushed him out of her mind. She thought about Sero holding her hand on their walk. She could see it so clearly in her head, his warm hand in hers, up his arm to his shoulder, to see red hair. She closed her eyes tighter, annoyed by these thoughts.

Kirishima is your friend. Sero asked you out. Sero.

Kirishima, taking her bag from her when they got off the bus. Smiling at her when she talked, listening intently and keeping pace with her when his friend went ahead.

No, dammit, go away!

She opened her eyes, staring up at her ceiling in the dark. She was getting irritated with herself. She rolled over and grabbed her phone, contemplating texting Mina again for advice. She decided against it. No one needed to know about this, and she reminded herself how nice it felt to have Sero notice her. Kirishima didn't look at her that way, and he certainly didn't ask her out. He only took her bag because he's a nice guy. He would've taken Bakugo's bag if he'd had one with him. He smiled at her and talked to her because he did that with every person he met.

She recounted the events of the day. Kirishima talking to her on the bus. Their walk to the café. Studying with Shinso, who was smiling more than usual. Sero coming up out of the blue to nervously ask her out, his blushing and stuttering was cute, Moegi thought. Shinso's facial expressions on the moment.

She got stuck on that. Shinso, usually stoic and expressionless, went from smiling to looking... put off by Sero's actions. Like he was bothered by it. Why? Moegi knew Shinso wasn't interested in her, so why would he care if Sero asked her out? He seemed to get along with the entire group, for the most part. Now that she thought about it though, he seemed to connect with Kamanari and Kirishima the most out of all of them.

Her phone pinging with notifications drew her back to reality. It was Mina in the group chat.

Mina: so none of you were gonna invite me to brunch today

Kamanari: sorry bbg it was boys brunch

Mina: liar!

Mina: Kiashio was there

Mina: BTW Sero wtf why didn't you tell me you were gonna ask her out

Kamanari: he didn't tell any of us


Sero: :I

Mina: don't think we aren't going to talk about this tomorrow

Kirishima: guys we should really let Bakugo sleep, just text each other privately.

Seeing these messages made Moegi feel weird, a feeling she couldn't really describe. It wasn't quite embarrassment, but it was similar. She was going to pretend she was already asleep, but she sent Sero a quick text.

Kiashio: sorry about Mina, I knew she'd kill me if I didn't tell her lol

She stared at her phone screen, waiting for his response. Thankfully, it came quickly.

Sero: it's fine lol

Sero: glad you weren't embarrassed for her to know

Kiashio: why would I be lol

Sero: idk

Sero: I didn't think you were going to say yes

Kiashio: why not??

Sero: I'm not used to pretty girls liking me I guess

Moegi's stomachfluttered. Pretty. Sero thinks I'm pretty. She smiled, and sent him asmiley face over text, and said good night. She closed her eyes, and this timeonly Sero remained in her thoughts.

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