Chapter 3

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A/N: There's some strong language from here on out, Bakugo has a potty mouth lol

After making her way to the cafeteria and grabbing her food, Moegi searched for an open table. At first, she had hoped to see Shinso and sit with him since he was the only person she had spoken to so far, but it was so crowded that she couldn't find him. Finally, she plopped down into an empty seat at the end of a table, where only a small group sat at the other end, chatting and eating. She failed to notice that, once she sat down, they all stopped conversing and were now looking at her.

Finally, she heard someone call out to her and perked up, looking over at the group of students. The one calling out to her was a girl, with pink skin and large black eyes. She had a friendly smile directed at Moegi. Around her were four boys, one with black hair, two blondes, and a very good-looking redhead. They all looked at her with varying expressions, mostly friendly with the exception of one of the blonde boys. His red eyes bore into her, clearly unwelcoming.

"Hi! Do you want to sit with us?" the pink girl asked, sounding somewhat excited. Moegi was relieved that she could meet someone who, like her, looked different. This girl was clearly well liked too, so maybe this group would be more welcoming than the general public.

"Umm... sure, thank you." Moegi slid her tray closer to the pink girl and moved seats to sit beside her. "I'm Kiashio. I'm in the General Studies class."

"Oh, cool. You can call me Mina!" She gestured to each boy as she introduced them. "This is Kamanari, Sero, Kirishima, and the grumpy pants there is Bakugo."

"Shut up, Raccoon Eyes." He grumbled before tucking back into his food, clearly uninterested in conversation.

Yikes, and I'm the one who has trouble making friends?

Mina ignored his insult and continued. "We're in class 1-A, in the hero course."

"Wow." Moegi felt a little starstruck, thinking about how these students were likely going to be top heroes in the future. "You guys must have some really awesome quirks then."

"I guess so! I can spray acid from my hands."

Moegi looked at Mina's hands instinctively, wondering if they looked anything like her own. But they were normal looking, aside from their pink color.

The redhead boy, Kirishima, spoke up now. "My quirk is hardening!" He flashed Moegi a grin, revealing that he also had a mouth full of sharp teeth. Without thinking, she grinned back at him. He noticed her similar smile, and it only made him smile wider. "Uhm... Kamanari here creates electricity, Sero shoots tape from his elbows, and Baku-"

He was cut off by the grumpy blonde. "And I'll blow your ass up if you don't find somewhere else to sit, freak."

Moegi was taken aback by his sudden outburst directed at her. Before she could open her mouth to respond, Mina and the other boys began reprimanding him, talking over each other. Kirishima made a comment about how it's "not manly" to speak that way to a girl, which made her giggle a bit.

Mina looked back at the green girl beside her and said, "I'm sorry about him. He's an ass."

Moegi smiled at the group defending her. Her gloved hands were on the table, fingernails tapping on the surface rhythmically. "It's okay, I'm used to people being uncomfortable with my appearance. Most of them don't even get close enough to learn what my quirk is."

The group was all staring at her again, eagerly waiting for her to share her quirk with them, except for Bakugo who continued looking down at his tray and eating.

Here goes nothing, I guess... Everyone here has quirks, so mine probably isn't the weirdest they've seen.

Moegi slowly removed her gloves and held up her hands, wiggling her fingers as the mouths on her palms pulsed in time with each other, desperately searching for something to grab after losing contact with the leather.

"Whoa," Kamanari said, leaning over Mina to get a better look. Kirishima and Mina mirrored his amazed expression. Sero looked a little uncomfortable but forced a smile to be nice. Finally, Bakugo looked up and his face immediately twisted in disgust.

"What the fuck is that?!" He nearly screamed it. Moegi quickly began putting her gloves back on, worried she had just ruined her chance at making friends with the future heroes.

"Sorry, maybe lunch isn't the best time to show them off."

"No way," Kirishima beamed at her. "That was cool!"

Sero chimed in, "what exactly... is it?"

Moegi straightened in her seat. "They're lamprey mouths, but when I latch onto someone, I can steal their energy or life force, basically."

Kirishima looked impressed, which made Moegi feel a bit... proud? But she was still nervous and kept looking down to avoid his gaze. He's so cute, and nice. Why is he being so nice to me?

It was an odd experience for Moegi, looking at a boy that way. She never had a real crush before since she had a hard time getting close to anyone and did her best to avoid focusing on appearances.

The group continuedchatting for the remainder of the lunch period, asking Moegi questions aboutherself and what General Studies is like in comparison to their class. She wasexcited to learn more about their quirks and the hero track as well. If shecouldn't be there with them, it was still nice to live vicariously through themand imagine it. She hoped that she could sit with them again tomorrow. She alsocouldn't wait to tell Shinso all about the hero students.

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