Chapter 7

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As they sat at the table enjoying their breakfast, Mina scrolled through her phone, occasionally turning it towards Moegi to show her memes before sending them to the group chat. They both tried not to laugh with their mouths full of pancakes, but it was a struggle. Mina's laughter had a snowball effect, making each picture and video seem funnier than the last. Both girls had tears in their eyes at this point.

Bakugo: stop blowing up my damn phone, raccoon eyes

Mina: eat my ass

Kamanari: hot

Bakugo: nasty af

Sero: look at this idiot lol

Sero sent a video of Kamanari, from the night before, trying to sneak up and mess with a sleeping Bakugo. As Sero rotated the phone back towards himself to whisper something, a loud smack was heard. The camera quickly spun back to Kamanari, now on the floor, with Bakugo settling back into his sleep. The camera shook from Sero's laughter before the video cut out.

"I guess the guys had their own little sleepover" Mina said as she giggled, saving the video to her phone. She slid herself out of her seat, taking the empty plates to the sink. "I know it's early but we should get ready in case they wanna meet up soon." She made her way back to her room and Moegi followed quietly.

As Mina gathered all her makeup and hair products, Moegi decided to try texting Shinso.

Kiashio: good morning! You sure you don't want to come today?

As she moved to set her phone down, it pinged with a new text.

Shinso: no thanks, got stuff to do today

Kiashio: okie. Lemme know if you change your mind and I'll let you know where to meet us!

Shinso: k thanks

Moegi sighed when she saw that. She understood his reservations about wanting to hang with the hero students, but she felt a small pang of guilt about him possibly spending his weekend all alone. Maybe tomorrow they could study together. She decided to wait until later to ask him, as Mina was now approaching her, arms full of bottles and tubes as well as a pouch of makeup brushes. She dropped everything down on the desk in front of Moegi, then started picking them up one by one to examine them, setting down what she wanted to use off to one side.

"Ok," she huffed as if she had done strenuous labor. "I obviously don't have green foundation, but thankfully you have nice skin so you don't need it." She got to work quickly, focusing on Moegi's eyes with liner and mascara. She opted for a clear gloss for her lips since all her pinks and reds would be too harsh against the green. Then, she brushed her hair, pulling it up into a high ponytail, only her bangs staying out. "Ok, perfect. Now go put the dress on while I fix my own face real quick."

Moegi grabbed her bag, as well as the sandals and choker, and went to the bathroom. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was pleasantly surprised by her reflection. She still looked like herself, just... more refined. Mina was a skilled makeup artist, and made Moegi feel glamourous without overdoing it. She slipped the dress on and twisted to zip it up, following it with the choker and the sandals. Even with her leather gloves, she felt like she looked nice. She admired herself in the mirror for another moment, then went back to show off her finished look.

Mina gasped and jumped out of her chair when Moegi returned. "You look so good!" She rotated Moegi as she looked her over, admiring the entire ensemble. She then ran back to the desk to grab hairspray, "to hold it together," and a bottle of perfume, "so we can smell sexy together." The green girl giggled as her pink friend sprayed her with both products. She was feeling confident, and even more excited to go out now. Mina stepped back from her, phone ready to take a photo. Moegi stood there smiling awkwardly, not knowing how to pose, or if she even should. Then Mina came up next to her to snap a selfie. As soon as she was finished taking pictures, her thumbs were flying about her screen relentlessly, sending them to the group chat.

Mina: you guys are gonna have to beat away any other boys we see today <3

Kamanari: oooooo

Sero: dang ladies!

Kirishima: :D!

Moegi felt her face warm up, once again thankful that her skin refused to blush. Were they really complimenting her, or just Mina?

Whatever, I'm happy with how I look. Mina did a good job.

Mina continued texting, organizing the details with the boys on when and where to meet up, and soon they were out the door heading to the train station. "Thankfully it's not far from here, we'll probably beat them there."

They waited outside the restaurant for the boys, scrolling on their phones and chatting about what they wanted to eat. They heard a whistle from a few feet away, and looked up to see the squad approaching. Kamanari and Sero picked up their pace to reach the girls quickly, Bakugo lagging behind a bit and looking annoyed while a chipper Kirishima talked to him. Moegi couldn't help but look over Kirishima's outfit, admiring his style. He wore a hoodie that was as red as his hair over a white tee, with black jeans that had rips around the knees, and a pair of black Converse. He looked good outside of his school uniform.

Moegi was pulled from her thoughts by Sero and Kamanari, who excitedly approached the girls. Sero looked at Moegi and smiled. "Thanks again for the vote, I've been dying to eat here."

"Of course," Moegi returned his smile. "Can't go wrong with curry."

Kamanari whined about his ramen again, only for Mina to shush him and pat his head, assuring him he would survive. The other two boys walked up to join the conversation, Kirishima putting his arm around Sero, rotating him slightly away from the girls so he could move in closer. "Hey guys, you look nice!"

Mina did a mocking curtsey and twirled a bit to show off the movement of her own flouncy dress. "I do love getting to dress cute and girly. Those uniforms they make us wear are not it."

Moegi looked down at the ground. She had felt good about her outfit, her hair, everything. But now that she was in front of people other than Mina, she felt awkward. Other than her uniform, she mostly just wore sweatpants.

"Hey, Kiashio," Kirishima snapped her back to the conversation again. She really needed to stop letting her mind wander when she was with other people. "You look great!"

She smiled, but rightas she was about to open her mouth to thank him, she was interrupted byBakugo's grumbling. "Can you idiots talk about your dumb clothes after we sitdown and get our food? I'm starving." He pushed past them into the restaurant,and they filed in behind him, chattering about what they all planned to order.

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