Chapter 10

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Around 9am, Moegi woke up feeling rejuvenated. She had a long, restful, dreamless sleep. She picked her phone up off the nightstand and checked her messages. A few texts in the group chat, even well into the early hours of morning. Hero kids had endless energy, it seemed.

Mina: guys, I only need like 2000 more tickets to get the prize I want

Kamanari: how many do you have now??

Mina: 1500

Kirishima: how many of those are from last night

Mina: like 100 lol

Mina: only 20 more trips to the arcade to go

Bakugo: stfu I'm sleeping

Kamanari: dude it's Saturday

Kirishima: we should all hang out again next weekend, movies maybe?

Bakugo: next person to blow my shit up is getting blocked

Mina: oooo me me me

Mina: me

Mina: block me

Mina: byeeee

Kamanari: lmao

Moegi mindlessly scrolled through the chats, giggling to herself at her friends' shenanigans. She felt a little bad that she went right to bed and didn't contribute, even Bakugo stayed up longer than her despite being teased for going to bed so early. Then she noticed a separate text, directly from Sero to her.

Sero: hey Kiashio, sorry to bother you if you're sleeping. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable with that whole tape thing, it was just the first time that ever happened to me. Maybe we can talk about it more at lunch on Monday?

She bit her lip, contemplating her response. She didn't really learn anything new from talking to her parents, so she felt like there wasn't anything more she could contribute to a conversation about it. It would just be one of those weird things that happened. But, Sero was being nice about the situation, so she wanted to try to throw him a bone.

Kiashio: hey, good morning! No worries, that sounds good :)

She sat up and texted Shinso to plan when and where to meet before moving herself from the bed, heading to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. She quickly dressed herself in a pair of jeans and her favorite comfy tee. It had faded from years of wearing and washing, but it still fit her well. Grey, with a little yellow smiley face on the chest pocket. A small hole had formed near the hem, but she ignored it. She planned to keep this shirt forever, even if it became ragged.

Shortly after finishing up getting ready, she quietly left the house after leaving her parents a note on the kitchen table. They always slept in on Sundays since Saturday night was their time to stay up late watching television. Her school bag hung off her shoulder, heavy from all the books inside. She figured she should be prepared to go over every subject with Shinso today, even if math and English were the only ones mentioned in their texts.

She opted to take the bus today since the café they agreed to meet at wasn't far, and the train felt like too much hassle. She was lost in her thoughts as she stepped onto the bus and walked through the aisle, searching for a seat. Someone called out to her, snapping her out of it.

"Hey, Kiashio!" It was Kirishima, waving at her and displaying his signature sharky smile. He was sitting with Bakugo, who was looking out the window with his arms crossed over his chest.

**ON HOLD** Soft/Sharp (Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now