Chapter 4

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After returning her tray and walking out of the lunchroom, Moegi was stopped by Shinso. "Hey, where'd you get off to?"

"Oh! I looked for you, but I didn't see you anywhere. I sat at a random table and ended up having lunch with some people in the hero course!"

"Really? What was that like?" Despite his overall expressionless face, he had a look of skeptical curiosity.

"They were... nice. Mostly. One guy was kind of rude, but the rest of them were cool. They all have such awesome quirks, too." Moegi smiled wide, all her sharp teeth on display.

Shinso hummed in response.

"Maybe tomorrow, if we walk to lunch together, I can ask them if you can sit there too." Moegi beamed at the idea of having lunch with all her new friends.

"Maybe." He failed to match her enthusiasm, but she chalked it up to Shinso just being reserved, rather than uninterested.

They walked the rest of the way back to class silently, Moegi lost in thought about what tomorrow's lunch period could be like.

The rest of the classes for the day went just as quickly as the first half, and before she knew it, it was time for Moegi to head home. Shinso suggested they walk to the train station together, and they chatted along the way about the lessons and homework.

As they exited the building, they heard someone call out to them. "Hey, Kiashio!" It was Mina. She and Kirishima trotted up to them, Bakugo was back a bit further, looking at his phone while he walked, Kamanari and Sero happily chatting as they walked beside him.

"Hey guys. This is Shinso, he's in my class." Moegi looked up at the tall, purple haired boy. "These are the people I sat with at lunch."

Shinso looked them over and gave a quiet "hi."

"Nice to meet you! I'm Mina. This is Kirishima. Hey, you should sit with all of us at lunch tomorrow!"

Moegi beamed at the thought of getting to sit with them again. She loved the idea of being accepted into this group. Shinso replied to her, "yeah, maybe." He awkwardly looked back to Moegi and then down at his shoes.

"Kiashio, are you busy this weekend?" Mina asked.

"We're all going to hang out, probably get some food and hit the arcade," Kirishima chimed in. "Would you want to come?" His sharky grin made Moegi's chest flutter. Just the idea of him wanting to see her outside of school...

"Yes, I would love that!" Moegi said excitedly. She pulled out her phone and exchanged numbers with them.

"Awesome! Hey, Shinso, you should come too." Kirishima added.

Shinso's indigo eyes met Kirishima's red pair and he quietly grumbled, "yeah. Sure."

"I'll text you the details. See you at lunch tomorrow, okay?" Mina chirped happily before she and Kirishima sauntered back to the rest of their group. Moegi waved goodbye to them before she and Shinso turned to continue towards the train station.

After a few minutes of silent walking, Moegi looked over at Shinso. His lack of facial expression made it difficult for her to know what he was thinking. "So," she began trying to make conversation, "what do you think? Arcade sounds like fun."

"I don't know. Not really my scene, honestly."

"Really? What do you do for fun?"

"I'm just not really great with spending time with other people. It's hard for me to open up and make friends."

"Well, I mean, we just met today, and I think we're friends. Right?" Moegi looked over at him, eyes full of hope.

He glanced over at her and smiled. "Yeah, I guess so."

Moegi couldn't believe how well her first day at UA went. She was making friends, several even, and some of them were in training to become heroes. It felt like a dream come true. The rest of the walk was quiet, but comfortably so. Moegi waved Shinso goodbye when she got on her train and nearly skipped the whole way home from the station.

She entered the house, kicked off her shoes, and made her way to the kitchen. Her parents were, unsurprisingly, not home. They left her some money on the table for takeout. She decided to pocket it for the weekend and scrounge up something they had in the house. As she prepared a quick, simple meal, she heard her phone chime. She looked at it and saw a notification stating that Mina had added her to a group chat named "The Bakusquad". She chuckled at some of the messages popping up, mostly Mina and Kamanari sending memes and Bakugo telling them to go do something more productive with their time. She decided to send a quick message.

Kiashio: hey guys, thanks again for letting me sit with you today!

Mina: <3

Bakugo: Who is this?

Kamanari: you're officially adopted, me and sero are your dads now

Sero: lol??

Moegi giggled at her phone, but then felt a little disappointed that Kirishima hadn't responded.

Maybe he's just busy, or doesn't like texting.

She put her phone in her pocket and began pulling her homework from her bag, finishing it rather quickly apart from her math work. She hated math, and anything other than simple adding and subtracting felt like too much. After a few more minutes of attempting to solve for X, she caved and pulled out her phone to text Shinso for help.

Kiashio: hey

Kiashio: did you do the math hw yet? I'm struggling!

Shinso replied quickly.

Shinso: yeah

Shinso: what are you stuck on?

Kiashio: the last problem, but I'm sure I got the rest wrong

Kiashio: can we compare answers real quick

Just as she was about to take a photo of her work to send him, her phone pinged with a new notification. A text. From Kirishima.

Kirishima: Hey, sorry for taking so long to answer you. But I'm glad you sat at our table today. Your quirk is really cool, and so are you.

Moegi stared at the message for several minutes, not even noticing the next few that came from Shinso, trying to talk to her about math. Her green skin couldn't blush, but she felt her cheeks getting warm. She snapped herself out of her trance and replied to Shinso, telling him they can compare answers in homeroom tomorrow. Then she opened Kirishima's text again, trying to decide how to respond.

"This is stupid," she said to herself, "he's just being friendly, why am I overreacting?"

Instead of trying to decide what to say, she put her phone down and packed away her homework into her bag, then made her way upstairs to shower and settle in for the night. Before going to sleep, she opened the message one last time and replied, simply,

Kiashio: thank you! Havea good night :)

A/N: I feel like I'm pumping these out quick and it's because I wrote most of it before deciding to publish, but the rest will probably take longer... I hope anyone reading this is enjoying it so far <3

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