Little changes

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Jason pov

I was on patrol when I heard a crash in the alleyway I went to check it out. And I saw a very injured pregnant woman she looked like she was in pain I went down to see if she was okay and she said that she was in labor, so I helped her to the hospital but we both knew she wouldn't make it.

So I promise to take the child in if she passed we let the hospital know and I give them a number to contact me if something happened. I left to talk to Roy about the situation he was shocked and started asking questions I if I knew how to raise a child, or if my place was safe for a child I said no to both so he said that if I took in the child I would live with him I thought about it and agreed with him.

Roy and I are close friends so we decided to raise the baby together as friends.

Roy pov

I was shocked when I heard the news, Jason was going to become a father I knew, raising a child was hard, but he has no job and his place isn't safe for a child, but he doesn't know how to raise one I started, asking him questions, and he told me straight out that he didn't know anything about it and that he knew his place wasn't safe so thankfully, he agreed to live with me.

after our conversation, I went and bought a few things and set up a room. Jason knows where I live so he can show up anytime. I was worried about how this will turn out but I trust Jason he's like my best friend even though he probably doesn't think so.

A few hours later

Jason pov

It's been a while. I'm starting to think something bad happened when I got a call I was out of costume I was walking around Gotham.

"Hello is this Jason"

"Yes I'm Jason"

" Well this is Gotham Hospital i'm here to inform you that May Myers has died. We did it DNA test and it says you were the father."

"Wait did you say May Myers and my kids."

"Yes sir May Myers is the woman you brought in earlier."

"Okay I will be there as soon as I can."

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