Bruce learns the truth

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Bruce's pov
It's been three months since red hood had stopped going out. Everyone worked where he was and I tried looking everywhere to figure out why I don't know what happened but when I saw an application with his name on it, I saw a number and I called it instantly I started asking questions but never really got an answer to any of them so I decided to investigate a little. I looked into everything I could when I get home my other children came and asked what I was doing and I told them that I was looking into their Brother. They help out, but I couldn't find anything, neither could I couldn't find anything on either or his whereabouts other than that he went to work and went home after we went shopping so we decided to go over to their place in civilian form. Of course we knocked in the door, but there was no answer so we decided to come back another time until we heard the door click Jason, holding your baby and Roy holding another baby in the background. When you saw his eyes go wide, we asked if he would let us in and Roy told him to. we walked in. Roy told us that we could sit on the couch, and they put the babies in bouncy chairs and we started asking questions.

Jason what is going on here I asked he looked worried my other sons were just as confused as me we were looking at the twins and then looking at Roy and Jason. I wanted to ask more questions, but I wanted them to answer first. Jason told us that they were his biological sons and they were twins. we were shocked he never told us he had kids, but then again, he never talk to us anymore. I started asking who their mother was and where was she? He answered that she was dead and that he met her one night stand. She never contacted or told him that she was pregnant and he found out after the hospital told him that they were his. Of course, Roy decided to help him out take them in is what he said I thought we decided to raise them together, and then we became a couple. we were shocked. No one told us they were dating, but I was even more shocked when they said, Oliver and Dinah knew. They had never told me, and they said that's because we asked them not to. The boys were falling over the twins before Jason said not to touch them so they can only look. I asked him if we could be a part of their lives, and he said since we knew I guess. Dick wanted to know why, and question them why they never told us. he said he never saw a reason to they were well taken care of. We had the money take care of them. They were happy children and they didn't need to be in the middle of everything. we were all shocked at what Jason just said we were his family even if he didn't count us anymore these were technically my grandchildren, their nephews. after we talk some more, and of course, played with the little ones after Jason finally let us we decided to leave and go back to the house since it was almost time to do patrol

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