Family visit

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We opened the door to see Oliver and Dinah they looked confused seeing Jason there instead of just Roy, so they invite them in and told them what they decided to do and becoming a family and raise the twins together they were supportive, of course, and asked to see the twins they agreed, and took them to the baby room. When they open the door, they all walked in.

The moment, they saw the twins they instantly fell in love they thought they were so adorable and told them they supported them completely and if they need a babysitter to call them

Oliver and Dinah's pov

Roy opened the door and we saw him and Jason we didn't know what was going on they invited us in and told us everything we were concerned, but decided to support them matter what but we at least want to see the twins their room look pretty nice. It looks like they were prepared for everything they had all stuff they needed, and we walked over to the Crib we looked in, and we saw the most adorable babies ever we instantly fell in love and offered to help them and told them how much we would support them

We left the room to go back to the living room we talked more about everything and ask what role Roy is playing in this and they said that he would be their dad too so they would be their grandparents they were so happy to hear that.

Roy and Jason's pov

We were talking to them and we told them that they can stay for dinner they agreed. We started on dinner well we cooked. They decided to play with the babies well as much as they could since they were only a day old at most.

Then they fed the babies and we decided to eat dinner and they left we decided to get the twins ready for bed and head to bed ourselves after cleaning up.

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