Going home

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Jason's pov

We got the twins ready to go home the doctor handed me the birth certificates and told us that once we sign if you want papers we can leave so I signed the papers and left the hospital. We were walking with the babies in the the car seats, but thankfully turned into strollers as we were walking with them almost home.

We didn't talk the whole way there. I didn't really know what to talk about. We got home, and I forgot to tell Roy the names. When I told him, he said they were really good names, and of course we framed the certificates I put them in the room to sleep. It went into the living room and we started talking.

Hey Roy thanks for everything I said. No problem man after all what are friends for he said, I laughed most friends wouldn't go this far for just a friend. We both laughed and turned on the tv for a while in till we heard crying from the babies room.

No one's pov

Jason and Roy walked in the room and picked up a baby each and they changed they diapers and started making bottles for them in the kitchen after the bottles were done they start feeding them, and the babies were very happy after that they put them back to bed for a little bit longer when they heard a knock on the door.

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