Preparing everything

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Roy's pov

It's been a while since I've heard from Jason I get everything ready in my house, but I still got to go clothes shopping as I was getting ready to leave again I got a call from Jason.

"Roy the hospital just called she dead and they said that the kid is mine like biologically"

"What how did they say the mother's name"

"Yeah May Myers remember I told you about her my one night stand"

"Yeah I remember well everything here is done call or text me if something happens"

He said okay and hung up and I left for clothes for the little one.

I was at the mall. I had a few clothes picked out since I didn't know the gender. I was trying to just pick out random stuff and a few toys and other essentials. I was about to check out when I got a text from Jason he said it was twin boys and then he needs clothes and car seats before they can leave for sure and that he would tell me the names when I got to the hospital so I went and bought extra of everything now knowing that they were twins I went to the checkout.

After that, I went by my place and dropped everything off, grabbed a few things put them in the bag grab the car seats cause I had to grab an extra one at the store I walked out and head to the hospital when I got there I texted Jay to come and get me he did. He took me into the room and the doctor was there with the birth certificates. we got them ready, but I wasn't talking names yet.

The twins are cute in the outfits that I bought and I was told that they could leave today.

The twins are cute in the outfits that I bought and I was told that they could leave today

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