Things change

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Jason's POV
Not a lot happened I guess since Bruce and the others but now they had my phone number and knew where I lived, which I didn't like much less than knew about the twins, and that things didn't change much they dropped by from occasion I got hired as security at Wayne industries though mainly I just had to sit and watch cameras and sometimes I can do it from home too so it all work out the twins were now nine months old they could sit up and they're already crawling, too. they were already talking to thankfully their first word was dada they looked a lot like me, Oliver, and Dinah still came by quite often babysat as often as they could though my family was not happy that I never asked them to babysit but I couldn't care less.

Hey Roy, yeah he said I want to know your opinion on something I said what is it he said I'm thinking about staying at the manor for a couple days with the twins do you think it's a good idea I said it's not the worst idea am I coming with you? He asked I said of course I need your help after all and you are their dad.

He said that he would come, and we started packing for the weekend. After all we went to Oliver's place all the time, so it was only fair I gave them just as much of a chance. And I want Alfred to meet the twins so I had to go over there for us to happen.

After we were done packing, everything that we needed, we got the twins in their car seats and started to head to Wayne Manor when we got there and knocked in the door and was greeted by the butler Alfred Master, Jason, he said, what a surprise and who are these two? I said hello Alfred these two are my twin sons. We're staying here for a couple days is that OK? He said of course master Jason pick any room you need that's not being used thank you Alfred is what I said back to him. I left Alfred. He was my favorite. We had a lot more common than any of the others. of course, when I came in as at the twins down, Alfred instantly went and held them and played with them while we set everything up everyone came down eventually, and was shocked to see us. I told them that I was giving them the opportunities I give Oliver so we're staying for a couple days they were very happy to hear that, we had dinner sooner or later and get the twins ready for bed and put them down of course then went talk with the rest of the family. They were shocked at how willing I was to do this.

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