Making decisions

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Jason pov

May Myers is someone I hooked up with less than a year ago after we woke up we told each other are names and I give her my number just in case of something happen like this.

I called Roy and told him everything he said that everything was ready for the baby I thanked him and hung up and headed to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital I walked up to the front desk and told them me name a doctor come up to me and told me his name and to follow him. So I did we walked in a room with two baby beds I was confused until the doctor said that she's given birth, the twins, and thankfully, even with her injuries, they were healthy and aren't injured.

I was relieved to hear the babies were safe. I didn't know it was twins. They never said anything over the phone. I asked for the genders, and if they were named. The doctor said that they were both boys and they were not named yet and that I would have to name them.

I walked over to them and they both had black hair just like me the first bed had a one on it and the other had a two on it so I told the doctor that baby number 1 is named River Hayes Todd and baby number 2 is named Thomas Asher Todd. The doctor was writing the names down, and said he would write on the birth certificates. I nodded and he walked out started texting Roy and told him it was twins and I need some clothes. He said he got some so I asked if he could bring it by and he said he would so I just waited for him to come.

The doctor came back in with news he said that the twins could leave today and they need clothes and car seats to go home in and some of the stuff I asked he to  write it on the list and he did he handed it me I put it in me pocket and my phone busted. I checked it and it was a text from Roy saying he was here and he needs me to bring him back there.

So I when and got him when we entered the room the doctor was still there but with the birth certificates.

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