Feels like home

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Jason POV

When we walked in to the living room everything was staring at us then Roy spoke up.
Roy: Jay is everything okay you don't look like you guys were fighting.
Because we didn't fight we talked like adults.

Me and Bruce sat back down and we talked about random things in till dinner.

Me and Roy were feeding the twins while we all eat when Bruce ask a important question.

Bruce: So are you going to be hero again Roy and what about Redhood Jay.

We talked about our other identities for a while but the twins got tired so me and Roy put them in their cribs thankfully Alfred made bottles for them already so they were out cold fast.

I got bored and started walking around and the memories just started coming back to me a lot of good ones and some bad but I loved those memories.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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