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After everyone was caught up with each other's lives Bruce had spoke up.
Bruce: Jason can I talk to you for a minute alone.
Everything was scared of what they would talk about.
Jason: Sure Bruce

They walked to the batcave to talk when they got there they just stared at each other in silence in till Jason broke it.
Jason: So what do you want to talk about Bruce.

Bruce: about everything Jason about why you decided to give up on your revenge all of a sudden . Why you didn't tell us when the twins were born. Your plans for the future. Everything Jason

Jason: I've decided to give up on revenge about I won't be able to watch the twins grow up if I'm always on the run or hide away. And the reason why I didn't tell you guys about the twins was because no one was supposed to know about the twins except Roy.

Bruce: Then why did you tell Oliver but not me.

Jason: Oliver came to surprise Roy with a visit the day the thins come home. And we don't have a relationship I don't have relationships with any of you guys and anyone who is in the Wayne family is a target. And I'm found a job to help with bills and stuff.

Jason: Is that all Bruce.

Bruce: No Jason I want to apologize for how I treated you when you were younger I shouldn't have tried to change who you are but I do want you to know that I really do love you as my son and I did try to find you and when you died I mourn for a long time.

Jason: Well Bruce thank you for apologizing to me but I can't forgive you yet but, I can give you a second chance so can you show me that you changed.

Bruce: Of course Jason thank you.

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