3 months

27 0 0

Jason's pov
It's been 3 months since the twins were born we had a hard time at first but things are getting easier for us and we are starting to have feelings for each other and we confess to each other a month ago, and started dating recently Oliver and Dinah were happy for us.

We were having breakfast when Roy ask are we ever going to tell your side of the family about the twins? I didn't know what to say me and Roy have a good life how we were now, but getting my family to the mix I don't know if that would help or make things worse and explaining this to them that's not very easy either. and the fact they could be in our children's lives. I'm still not happy with most of them. I know they people are asking what happened to me and Roy since we took some time off as heroes and criminals but there are rumors going around that they saw something but I don't know what it is since I haven't really been out i've been looking for a job. I don't know what to look for. I'm thinking about applying to Wayne industries though.

I put in my application and got a call from Bruce instantly after he saw it. Asking where I was what was going on why I need a job all of a sudden I can hear the word in his voice, but I didn't really have much care I told him I just want a job and was going to give up on my revenge. He was so happy but I didn't really have much to say he asked me why but I never told him about the twins.

He saw where I lived and asked me if I live with Roy and I told him I am he told me I can come back to the manor and live there if I wanted to, but I told him that I was happy here and I didn't really matter. He told me that he would see what he could do for me as a job I told him that I would have to be home quite often. He asked why, but I didn't say anything except for half excuse for why I had to be home.

He started asking why I wasn't out as redhood anymore and what happened to Roy I told him me and Roy were taking time off from our second persona he stop asking questions and I hung up.

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