It Spreads...

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It doesn't work...

Shelby sighs and Sausage looks down. "Hey we'll find another way okay. Have hope Shelbs" Sausage said. Shelby lightly smiled and looked at the clock. "It's getting late. You wanna stay over for tonight?" Shelby asked. "Sure" Sausage said and Shelby nods. She grabs a sleeping bag for Sausage. He takes it. "Wait where's Tortoise?" Sausage asked. "He's probably still out but he should be here in 3...2...1" Shelby said, Tortoise comes in and leaves his muddy boats next to the coat rack. And he walks to Shelby's room. "Woah how did you-?" Sausage said amazed. "Magic" Shelby said and he nods. They went to Shelby's room and see Tortoise sleeping. Sausage lays down his sleeping bag and Shelby lays down on her bed. "Night Sausage" Shelby said. "Night Shelby" Sausage said and they both fell asleep.

~Time Skip To The Next Day~

Shelby woke up and walked to the bathroom. She groans tiredly and looks in the mirror to realize...That the skulk had spread. "Wha-..." Shelby mumbled and touched the skulk.

Sausage had woken up and saw Shelby was gone. He stood up and stretched. He walked to a window and noticed he had horns and a tail(At this point I'm making him Xornoth 2.0) "What the fuck" Sausage mumbled confused.

(You know what just take this as a visual of what they look like now)

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(You know what just take this as a visual of what they look like now)

Shelby and Sausage felt so different they felt evil? Or like a bad guy? Shelby sprints to her potions and looks through the book. "C'mon! C'mon! There's gotten be a way to fix this!" Shelby exclaimed worryingly and flips through the pages. Sausage heard Shelby's yells and ran over to her. He saw that she also got more different. "I guess I'm not the only one huh?" Sausage said and she jumps. "AH! Demon!" Shelby exclaimed. "Woah. Woah. It's just me Shelbs. It's me Sausage" Sausage said trying to reassure her. She takes a deep inhale and takes a moment to see Sausage's new look. "Oh god Sausage you look so different" Shelby said. "I know and so do you" Sausage said and touched his horns. She nods and continues flipping through the book. "Nothing..." Shelby said and sighs. He looked down. They felt so strange like an evil is in them just waiting to come out...

Sausage groaned and she looked at him worryingly. "You okay Sausage?" Shelby asked softly. "No I feel like there's an evil inside of me" Sausage said. She sighs and nods. "Honestly same like I don't know, there's just this random feeling inside of me wanting to come out" Shelby said. "What are we gonna do now?" Sausage mumbled. "I don't know...I just don't wanna anyone to see us like this" Shelby said. "Agree...I just want to hide away now" Sausage said. "Same" Shelby said.

~Time Skip To A Few Hours Later~

Sausage was at his house locked in his room, curled up on his bed and trying not to cry. "Why...Why did this have to happen to me and Shelby...What the hell did we do to deserve this..." Sausage mumbled as a few tears fell down his cheek. "I just want to die at this point...Maybe that'll make feeling go away" Sausage mumbled with a frown. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying. You don't deserve what's happening...I can help though. "Huh...? Who's there...? And who are you...?" Sausage mumbled and he sat up. Don't worry my name isn't important, just consider me a friend. "A friend?" Sausage asked. Thats right a friend. I just wanna help your situation with Shelby. "How can I trust you? I can't even see you" Sausage asked. Seeing me isn't important. But I do want to help you. "I-...I don't know if I can trust you" Sausage said. Well then...If you ever want to talk about helping you two just call me. "Wait how am I gonna call you" Sausage asked but just like that the voice was gone. "What the fuck just happened" Sausage mumbled.

Shelby was going through her spell books just wanting to find a way to help her and Sausage. But nothing absolutely nothing was helping. She sighs and sits down on the floor, hugging onto a hoodie she borrowed from Katherine. "Why does life have to be so cruel..." Shelby mumbled and puts her face in her hands. You poor child... "What? Who's there?" Shelby asked nervously. Just call us the skulk. "Us? Wait there's more of you?" Shelby asked. Why of course. You and Sausage seem to be quite in a pickle child. "Um yeah...Wait how do you know about Sausage?" Shelby said. Don't worry about that. Just another friend talked with him. "Okay...Who's this friend?" Shelby asked. You don't need to know that yet. But you child we want to help you two. "Really?" Shelby asked. Of course we want to help you two. All you have to do is something in return for us. "And what's that?" Shelby asked but like that the voice was gone. "Oh..." Shelby mumbled.

Author's Note: God I'm getting obsessed writing about these two. And writing in actual paragraphs. Ummmmm help...

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