Chapter Seven

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Andrea and Melinda had kept what she said between them. They never told Delia about what was going on, because they knew that she would only worry about Melinda. Andrea had told Melinda that she will do the research for her so that she can get, her information that she needs. Melinda thanked her. Delia and Charlie had joined them and they had kept things to themselves. Delia asked Melinda if everything was okay. Melinda told Delia that everything was perfectly fine, that they were just waiting for them. Delia knew that something was up. But understood why she didn't want to say to much. One they were in school and knew that, she didn't want anyone else to know what she was at all. Melinda had whispered to Delia she will tell her later. Delia had shook her head, that she understood why. They all went to their lockers, Melinda had another note in her locker, smiled. The note said," Dear Melinda, you looked so beautiful when I seen, you on Saturday, I am so glad that we became friends, and might as well say pen pals. If you ever want to hang out after school we can. If you want I will give you my number, so you can make sure that I am available, that is if you want to, I would love to get to know you more and spend more time with you. From your friend Jim. Melinda laughed about it and had wrote him one while she was write there, so that no one would know. She wrote, Dear Jim, I would love that and maybe we can tonight, I thought you looked really handsome on Saturday, I would love your number, and you read my mind on that one Jim. When you can give me your number.. Anytime you want to I am willing. your friend Melinda. She smiled when she seen Jim in his class room, Melinda dropped it on his desk making him smile. Jim had written his number down for her and he went, in the cafe and got a water, and dropped something on the floor on purpose. Melinda picked it up and seen it was his number, she texted it saying hey sexy thank you, Jim smirked and texted her back, hey sexy yourself, Charlie asked who are you texting Melinda your boyfriend, if so then you wore me 20.00 dollars. Melinda laughed and said nope sorry but I don't owe you anything at all, because he is just a friend so haha. Charlie said dam it this suck. Melinda told them that it was someone that she is interested in but that is it. Delia and Andrea told Charlie give it up, Melinda is gonna win this one, Charlie told his girlfriend and friend that he was not going to do that. When the time came to go to homeroom, Melinda had went past Jim's class they smiled at each other. That is all they had to do lately to make the other one feel good. When she was in her other classes she, couldn't stop thinking about Jim at all. He couldn't even stop when he was teaching his classes. Melinda had went to locker at lunch time to, put away her books that she didn't need. Get out her afternoon books. When she got a text saying hey come here for a second. Melinda had snuck into Jim's classroom and asked him what is up. Jim told her nothing just wanted, to see your beautiful face is all. Melinda blushes and tells him that she will talk him later, Jim told her okay see ya Mel. She told him see ya Jim. Went to have lunch with her friends. While eating her food, her and Jim were texting each other, Andrea looks over and asked who is Jim. Melinda tells her just a friend that is all, Andrea tells yeah okay Melinda and I am mother nature. Making everyone at the table laugh, Melinda told her he is just a friend I swear. They all let it go for now, Mandy on the other hand, was thinking to herself that she can ask her boyfriend, what was Mr. Clancy first name, if she had to. On the way to her next class Melinda put her head in Jim's class just to say hi. He smiles and says hi Melinda. They day seemed to be going slow that day. When it came to her study hall, Melinda barely had any work, so she texted Jim most of the period. He was texting her back, and asked her if she wanted to come and hang out some tonight, they can cook together again, watch movie and eat popcorn. Melinda told him that she would love to, that she will see him later on tonight. Jim told her that he will see her later. When the day went by and it was time to go home, Melinda went home and got into a black dress after her shower, did her hair and make-up and left to Jim's. Beth wasn't home she was out with her boyfriend Paul, Melinda had found her note when she came home. Melinda got to Jim's and take a breath. Knocked on Jim's door, He answered in black like pants and blue button up dress shirt. Melinda told him is this a bad time or is this for me. Jim laughed and said maybe it was for her. Melinda came in and asked what movies did he have, He told her go head and look he will see what he has to cook for them. Melinda says or why not order something so that all, they would have to make is the popcorn. Jim told her okay what does she have in mind. Melinda told him Chinese food and he agreed about it. They ordered it and waited for it to come and watched a movie. They cuddled with each other while watching the movie. The food came and Jim paid for it, they ate their food while watching a movie together. Andrea texted her hey girl what are you doing. Melinda texted that she was hanging with a new friend, Andrea asked her who, she told Andrea that she would tell her if she promises her not, to tell anyone else right now. Andrea told her that she promises that she won't. Melinda told her that it is Mr. Clancy. Andrea had asked if she was kidding her, Melinda told her no that I am not kidding you, but you have to promise us not to say anything to anyone. Andrea told her that she promises she won't tell anyone anything. Melinda told her thank you, Jim had smiled and asked Melinda if she is sure that she won't tell anyone about this. Melinda told him that Andrea is one of my very very best friends and I trust her with anything. Jim told her alright that he will trust her as well. Melinda had cuddled into Jim and he held her close until 10. He told her she better get home for school in the morning. Melinda told him ya I guess I better, that she will. She stopped herself and didn't finish it. Jim told her no no don't do that Mel tell me what were you going to say. Melinda tells him that she will miss him. Jim tells her that he will miss her too. Melinda had asked him really, He told her really. They shared their very first kiss at that moment. They both said wow, and kissed a bit more Melinda left. All the way home Melinda couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. While Jim laid there in bed thinking about it. Melinda knew that she wanted more of kisses and couldn't wait to see him again. Now the real question remains is this, how are they gonna mange being teacher and student, at school but boyfriend and girlfriend out of school. That is if they both wanted to be that. Melinda definitely wanted Jim to be her boyfriend. But she didn't know if he wanted her, as a girlfriend at all, or if that was just a spare of the moment deal. Melinda went to bed for school, while Jim went to bed dreaming about her. When morning they got up and Jim sent her a good morning text. Melinda smiled and texted him good Morning how did you sleep. He replied I slept good and you. She told him she did as well. Melinda had gotten some breakfast, when Paul came downstairs to get something to eat. He says," well hello, you must be Melinda your mom talks about you all the time. It is nice to finally meet you." Melinda just half smiles and said yeah okay like wise, I have to go. Melinda grabbed her stuff said hi to Beth as she was coming, down the stairs the exact same time that, Melinda was heading out the door. Beth had asked Paul if everything was okay, he told her no that Melinda had gotten a attitude with him. Beth told him that she will have a talk with her not worry. They kissed good morning. Melinda was studying in her car, when Jim knocked on the window. She rolled it down and he asked if she was okay. She told him no that she will tell him about it inside. They go inside and when they are in the classroom, Melinda tells him about her mom's boyfriend spending the night. Acted like he owned the house already that she didn't like it. Jim shut the door and pulled the blind down. He held Melinda close to him. He told her that she can always come to his day or night, he can sleep on the couch, while she took the bed. Oh use the pull out couch bed, in the the spare room no big deal. Melinda told him thank you that, she appreciates it. Jim smiled at her and kissed her, asks her to be his girl, Melinda told him that she would be. They shared a quick kiss, Melinda studied while Jim was correcting papers. Andrea knocked on the door, Jim told her to come in, she asked if he don't mind if she studies a bit. Jim told her go right ahead. But you two isn't time to meet up with the other two of your friends. Melinda and Andrea had said crap it is. Thanked Jim for telling them, they went to their lockers and then, went to Delia and Charlie, when Jim texted I miss you already. Melinda had texted Jim that she misses him too. Trying to keep the texts from Charlie, she handed him 20 dollars. He said haha I was right you did find someone, so do we know the lucky guy, Melinda told him no and it is not his business on who it was. Charlie said that they will see. Making Melinda laugh and Andrea as well. They both told him just give up now, while he is a head. Charlie shook his head no, while they ate breakfast but Melinda. She told them she ate at home before leaving because of her mom's boyfriend. Delia had asked is he really that bad Mel. She told her he comes down and was like, while you must be Melinda your mom talks about, you all the time. Like he is already living there and all that. They all hugged her and wondered what was going with their best friend. Melinda told them that she got offered to stay with friend, if needed that she might take that opportunity, they told her that if it makes her happy to go ahead and go for it. She just had to make sure that Jim was okay with it. And she knew her mom wouldn't be okay with it, but she could go through her dad for it. He will let her do it as long as, she still went to school and did her work. As they dad went by fast, so it seemed like. They were at lunch when Beth texted Melinda when you get home, we need to talk, I don't appreciate the way you gave Paul a attitude this morning. Melinda text first of all, I didn't give your toy a attitude I just told him yeah like wise and, started to head out to school. What your gonna believe him more than me. That is messed up mom, I'm your daughter. Melinda got up and walked out of the cafeteria and went outside. She called her dad and asked if she can live with him, because was believing her boyfriend over her. Tom told Melinda of course she could that. The only rules he has for her is to do her homework, if she goes out to at least be home by midnight. No later than that if she moves in with him. Melinda liked those rules. Melinda went inside and told her friends that, she might be moving in with her dad, As the day went by fast yet again, Melinda texted Jim she is gonna go home and see what happens, with her mom and her boyfriend. If things don't go right she may need his help to get her stuff to her dad's. Jim told her of course that he would. Melinda had called her dad and asked if she needed, a bed at all. Tom told her that yeah she would need one. Melinda told him that she will let him know what happens. Melinda goes inside to see what was going on. Beth tells her that Paul was upset about her response, that she has to accept the fact of him being around because he wants to move in, take care of them both. Melinda tells her mom that she don't like him. Beth tells her well I am sorry that you feel that way, but she has to get use to it. Melinda told her no she don't that, she can go live with dad, she already talk to him about it. Beth told her that she should, at least give Paul a chance. Melinda told her fine but I am keeping dad a option rather you like it or not. Beth had slapped her across the face. Melinda call her a bitch ran in her room packed up all of her stuff. The closes place to her right now was Jim. Melinda went to leave and Beth told her she is not going anywhere, She is grounded for the way she spoke to her. Melinda told either let me go or I call dad and tell him you hit me. Beth let her go. Melinda went to Jim's knocked on the door. He answered the door, oh my god Mel who hit you. She told Jim that her mother did, that she don't want to go back there, that she wants her dad to go with her to get her bed. Jim told her that he understands,  that she can call him from here, Melinda called from her cellphone while laying in Jim's arms. When Melinda had told Tom that Beth had slapped her he was not happy, he told her that he will go over with his truck, to get her bed that she is moving in with him. To stay where she is for the time being until, he tells her otherwise. Tom went to Beth's house pounds on the door. Paul answers shirtless and he tells him I don't know who you are but I need to speak to Beth now. Paul asked who was he, and Paul told him that he is Beth's ex-husband and Melinda's father. Beth came around the corner and says Tom what are you doing here. He pushes past Paul and yells HOW THE HELL DARE YOU SLAP OUR DAUGHTER, ALL BECAUSE SHE TELLS YOU HOW SHE FEELS ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND. Beth tells him first all I slapped her for calling me a bitch. Tom told Beth that she was one, and went upstairs packed up all the things in Melinda's room brought it to his truck, and that had included her bed. He told Beth that he will see her in court for Melinda. He will make sure that he heard everything from Melinda. Beth didn't like the way that he said that at all. Melinda and Jim was watching a movie when, Melinda had kissed Jim, he kisses her back. They started to make out when Jim told her that they had to stop. Melinda asks why and Jim told her he is hard that is why. That he don't want to scare you, she told him that he doesn't. That made Jim smile and he told her he was gonna shower. Melinda told him okay that she will wait there. Meantime while she was waiting for Jim, Tom was getting her room ready, when she got a text saying that her room was ready. Melinda had waited for Jim to come out, to tell him that she was going to her new home. Jim had told her okay, they kissed each other bye and Melinda left to her dad's. When she got there and seen her room, she was impressed because her was bigger than her old room. Melinda had video called her friends and told them and showed them. They were also impressed with her new room. Andrea teased you should tell him about, your laptop maybe he would get her another one. Melinda told her yeah maybe, I have to let him know about Mandy sleep over this weekend. When she brought it up to Tom he told her yeah that it is okay, that he will take her laptop shopping soon. She kissed her dad's cheek. Tom kissed her head and told her go set it up how she wants it. Melinda did as she was told and set up, her room the that she had wanted it, and put away her clothes. The week went by quick and it was time for the sleepover. 

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